The Living Christ Series (1951) [9 of 12]

1 year ago

Episode 9 (March 4, 1951) "Fate of John the Baptist" : From prison John the Baptist sends messengers to ask Jesus, "Are you he who was to come, or shall we look for another?" Jesus sends John a message of affirmation, bidding messengers to tell the Baptist all they have seen and heard. After they depart Jesus confirms that He is the Messiah and that John the Baptist was His forerunner as prophesied. Dramatically portrayed is Herod's banquet, the dance of Salome, John's the Baptist's arrest, imprisonment and execution. Jesus, told of the Baptist's death, tells His disciples.

This is the first ever TV mini series. There were self-contained episodes in serials like 'The Lone Ranger' and self-contained plays in shows such as 'Starlight Theatre', but this was the first series where the story spanned, and was developed, over all of its 12 episodes.

The Living Christ Series is a 12-part drama television series about the life of Jesus Christ. It was released in 1951 and directed by John T. Coyle. It was written by Arthur T. Horman, and stars Robert Wilson, William "Bill" Henry, Tyler McVey, Lawrence Dobkin, Robert Bice, Michael Whalen, Lowell Gilmore, Eileen Rowe, Art Gilmore. The musical score is by Irving Gertz.

Plot : A television mini-series told the life of Christ in a version of the typical Hollywood serial film. Each episode was thirty minutes long, bringing the total running time of the series to six hours. Filmed in color in 1951, it is notable for being one of the few American film series of that time in which Christ's face was actually shown. However, The Living Christ Series was not meant to be shown in movie theatres, but more as an instructional, inspirational film in churches or on Sunday-morning television.

Far from being a religious epic, the series was clearly shot mostly on soundstages and on a low budget, much like a typical television program of the era shot on film. Directed by John T. Coyle, the series featured mostly unknown actors or actors who appeared mostly in B-films. A notable exception was Lowell Gilmore, who played Pontius Pilate, and whose most famous previous role was as Basil Hallward in MGM's classic 1945 film The Picture of Dorian Gray. Character actor Lawrence Dobkin also appeared in the series, and Will Wright, perhaps most famous for appearing as Ben Weaver on several episodes of The Andy Griffith Show, was cast as Herod. Martin Balsam also plays a small role. Screen unknown Robert Wilson, who would go on to practically make a career out of playing the role, portrayed Christ. Noted movie trailer announcer Art Gilmore served as narrator.

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