Check Out India’s Cyclops Baby Goat

7 years ago

A baby goat with one enlarged eye has been born in Assam, India. The kid was born on Wednesday May 10th, and has baffled local villagers. Vets predicted that the goat, who also has only one ear, would die within a few days but he has defied expectations and stayed alive longer than expected.

The condition which causes these defects is called cyclopia and can also affect horses, pigs and cows. The cause for this condition is the brain's failure to separate the two hemispheres, which in turn causes the skull to form a single eye socket, with lid and lashes missing.

The cause of this genetic condition is uncertain, although it is possible that a toxin ingested during pregnancy can be culprit. The upper and lower lips can be present, but are usually small, and the upper jaw is short and teeth are missing, which is why the normal sized tongue protrudes. Horses, pigs, cows, cats and even dusky sharks have been known to get affected with this condition.

The goat’s owner Mukhuri Das, says that he was really shocked when he saw the baby goat. At first they thought that the neighbors would ridicule them, but instead people have been travelling from all around the area to see the “gift from God”, making them famous.

Videographer / director: Rima Sharma
Producer: Haziq Qadri, Nick Johnson
Editor: Marcus Cooper

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