JUAN O SAVIN- Open the Heavens Presentation- Meri Crouley 8 19 2023

1 year ago

This is the PRESENTATION that Juan O Savin did at the OPEN THE HEAVENS- LET GOD ARISE Event from Chicago on AUGUST 19 2023. Meri Crouley announced him during as a very special moment when Juan (who had not been able to appear in South Dakota the first weekend of JUNE) was able to be there. Meri Crouley gave the lead up to this presentation at the very end of the Event with this ideal that a PORTAL or GATE was opened up over Chicago because of the Great EVIL against Christians that has gone on there with Obama44 and Oprah and others, whose implications have recently taken a severe turn.
JUAN IS A GENEROUS and GODLY MAN. He spent all day signing the books that people who had purchased VIP tickets in South Dakota came to the event for free.
My friend Justin sent me the title picture and he earned the name at the Event as "the Magador Guy" for wearing head to toe Magador outfit. Please visit https://t.me/jos_107 to be a part of the conversation. And Justin got his poster of "the Storm" signed there. Also visit the Telegram Channel "the Official Juan O Savin recognized" https://t.me/JUANOSAVIN107 copyrighted.
"Breaking the Eight" Juan talks many times about a Biblical Story where God talks about Fouring the bad guys.. they use the "center of the infinity sign" the 8 to access their *magik* so the Fours are very significant to this time.. we are "breaking" their way of doing "spells" of easily passing through the PORTAL from the Spiritual to the real world. We cut off routes of escape.. as we "seal" the "portal" that they (wizards and warlocks) have used.. we take over a process and as God said.. STOP their abilities..to successfully infiltrate our World. This is why the vision of a Gate as a marker is so important. Often it is said of the Ceremonies that were meant to “enhance” one of their Evil abilities Satan never CREATES he only copies things he has done in the PAST.... like on 9/11 the “Twin Towers” both built on foursquare foundations.. the two fours.. they at 8:32am (8+3+2= 13 1+3=4) ran Planes into the Twin Towers.. then the Pentagon (5 sides death to enemies) and another was to hit the White House but was through the brave Patriots on board by defeating the Pilot who dove the 737 into the Ground in PA Field. The dates like Feb 4 2004 2x4=8 2x4=8 a "broken eight" So it is about the numbers about CEREMONY. CONTROL of the Ethereal World. A GATEWAY.

The Camera Person was told for some reason to not show Juan at all. And this will best be viewed on YouTube with the Close Captioning on. The focus pull and lack of quality starts to bother some people so just listen to this part.. don't view it. posted on Juan O Savin 107 YT channel https://youtu.be/MBSEL9S1Bqw and Closed Captions will be up soon.

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