Bases 137 Bob Osborne Zennor Spirit of Place Part 1-Introduction

1 year ago

Zennor in Cornwall is a key energetic place, where key figures in today's current crisis laid their plans against us. The Fabians, The Masons and an Alien Race. Conjouring Alpha Draconis.

The book by Bob Osborne - 'Zennor Spirit of Place',(Published 2023) and its sister documentary of the same title, deals with just the 20th Century. DH Lawrence, Aleister Crowley, Aldous Huxley, HG Wells, and many others, Rudolf Hess, Himmler and so on

Rob Osborne gives a wide and deep introduction to this extremely important subject. The Fabians, deep into the 19th, Century, were laying their transhumanization plans, and the Human Cull, over 150 years ago.

Its how the current NWO, UN,WEF agenda was establised in ENGLAND. Zennor's crucial link with the Bavarian Germans before WW1 and between the wars.

The west LOST, WW2 only ended in July 2023!

Osborne's research goes into extreme details. This is ground a breaking Must See series, which joins the dots and makes sense what is happening now, perfect sense.

The woke agenda to cull humanity through the destruction of the divine feminine and masculine, in accordance with the Baphomet.

This is the start of major series from Rob carried on BasesTV

Rebel Not Taken, a term given to Rob's ancestors, after the bloody revolution in the late 17th Century England.

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