My Carnivore Journey - Time to start doubting the doubts!

1 year ago

In today's video, I wanted to discuss the doubts that people have about carnivore. Starting carnivore? Staying with it? What will people think? I give my honest opinions and hopefully will give you ammunition to be able to combat those doubts and get past them.

Thank you to everyone who responded with their doubts in the post I created the other day. That was very helpful in helping me come up with the talking points.


0:00 - Intro
1:06 - Will I stay with it?
3:12 - Getting enough vitamins/nutrients?
4:32 - Not sure this will be enough?
6:01 - How will my family and friends react?
9:10 - Not sure I will like eating meat every day?
10:58 - How restrictive is it?
13:31 - Can I afford this?
16:30 - Is this just a fad?
18:07 - Wrap up and thank you

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