In Eastern Europe there are no longer wooden Electricity poles since the communist era

1 year ago

In Eastern Europe there are no longer wooden Electricity poles since the communist era from the 60s or 70s where they were made out of reinforced concrete or complex scheletals today. Even before lots of poles were already made out of metal in the interbelic era.
What is shocking in USA not just in Hawaii here, is that wooden poles are still used today, which is absolutely bonkers! And no its not cheaper to use wooden poles in fact its more expensive since they require much more repairs than reinforced concrete polls. Also like you se here they are very easy to fall to the ground at strong wind. I only saw wooden poles in some really forgotten region a poor region in Eastern Europe, but they were not used for electricity but for internet services, or some other comunications. And those are old poles even so that no one cares.
Even more so the wooden poles that i did see in Eastern Europe were supported by other beams at their base.
It is really stupid to use this system for electricity transportation. So USA the most advanced country in the world has tech from 100 years ago used in Europe.

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