If You Detonated a Nuclear Bomb In The Marianas Trench (Just Fantasy, not science!)

1 year ago

#nuke #eldddir_disaster #nuclearbomb
I hope everyone understood where science ends and fantasy begins?)
Thank's Armando Sepulveda, Fernando Arroyo, CGSOS LLC & Twize films for The Big Wave" project (04:03 -04:08) in this video. Original footage: https://vimeo.com/222702871 links to their portfolio: https://vimeo.com/user2511802 , https://www.behance.net/arosdaf78a
What would happen if a nuke went off in the Mariana Trench? This is the Tsar Bomba the nuke that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev promised to show the West during the Cold War 58.6 megatons of sheer unadulterated power with a subsequent blast wave that circled the globe three times.

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