What's it going to take for sure, Ms M Maui fires!

1 year ago

This shall be the first time i share Ms. M links due to the fact they attack everyone i ever use, love or get help from but considering the seriousness of things see below!

Maui Fires, Complete Report. (English) 🔥🔥🔥 Space News Number 01

As for you satanic creature culling federation of planets garbage above there too bad more of these cold hearted creatures below here didn't help this tip of the spear here to full truth i know because damn straight i consider you micro "god" clowns of "Is Ra El" directly responsible for not only initiating this whole "god" farce here on our mother and fkn right, you without a doubt most certainly COULD REIN IN THAT CREATURE CULLING ORANGE GOOF LIKE YESTERDAY YOU COULD!

As far as the cryptic Ms. M thread see below should you care! To understand it simply see dates posted and go to relevant videos!

Alberts60star @alberts60star

Mar 7 -

manifest bald headed petite mechanic named Pas[Q]ual via my sphincter hole humor test yes yes!

copy 7 sisters copy aye!

think i'll stick to the plan Ms...

death of a spirit eye aye!

you can't unknow once you know so final rest i seek is all at this point!

debt paid!

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