Vigil Mass 081923AD 20th Sun Ord

1 year ago

Vigil Mass 081923AD 20th Sun Ord

The entirety of this Mass is in praise of the Divine Healer, for my complete and miraculous healing from both Lyme Disease and Bell's Palsy these past several days. The readings are about healing, so I used hymns which reflected the Lord's desire to give his gift of complete healing to the entire world. Every song began with the word ALL. Every song celebrated healing and hope. It was a joyful Mass and I am really glad it went so well. What a mighty God we serve!

Celebrant and Homilist: Fr. Conrad Wald
Assisting: Rev. Mr. Dick Kuhlman
Reader: Beth Martin
Music: Dawn Slike (plus always-great parish congregation)


All Are Welcome
All the Earth (all 6 verses!)
All Who Hunger
All Creatures of Our God and King (vss 3 and 5)

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