Root canal treatment

1 year ago

hi everyone

In this video I talked about root canal treatment, root canal, root canal treatment step by step , tooth pain treatment and daant min keeda ka ilaj.
Steps in root canal treatment, 1. Access cavity in which carious part of tooth is removed and Access is made to pulp chamber, 2. Cleaning & shaping of canals, in which damaged pulp is removed and root canals are cleaned and shaped, 3. obturation, in which gutta percha cone or point are place to fill the canals, 4. restoration, in which coronal part of tooth is filled with filling material, which then cover with cap or crown.
When carious process crosses enamel, dentine and reaches to pulp that is most sensitive part of tooth result in severe painful condition called as acute pulpitis.
If it remains untreated it becomes chronic pulpitis which further can cause periapical lesions even abscess and cyst formation

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