Max Igan - The Khazarian Mafia Explained in 12 minutes

1 year ago

The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia. Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world.
The Hidden History Of The Rothschild Khazarian Mafia.
Here's a quick rundown on the Khazarian Mafia.
The ancient Cananites of Judea worshipped Baal and warred with ancient Israel who believe in Yawhey.
Babylon overran Judea and took these Cananites into Babylonian Captivity until they were freed by King Cyrus.
Then they existed in their land of Khazaria which is southern Russia. This group does NOT have a Hebrew bloodline leading back to Abraham but Orthodox Jews do. They are different races.
The King of Khazaria Bulan was part of a Khazarian Mafia who would infiltrate other countries and run Satanic rituals, ect... They were robbing people's caravans but learned robbing people through banking was easier. They proposed interest loan payments but the Christians and Muslims in Khazaria opposed it. The Jewish sect of Khazaria was ok with it so the King converted to Judaism and so did his people. In truth, the King worshipped Baal and Satan though.
The Roos, (Russians) had enough of them and destroyed Khazaria forcing Khazarians to migrate to Western Europe where the Khazarian Mafia did dirty work for the European Nobles (Black Nobility).
The Khazarian Mafia later produced a man who claimed to Elijah and his son to be the Messiah who wanted to create Israel in Palestine since the Middle East was rich in oil. They could tap into that wealth. They formed Zionism.
Later 2 other false Messiahs appeared including Jacob Frank who claimed the Gnostic belief that the God of the Bible is evil and that all that he says not to do should be done including raping kids or incest.
This radical Zionist group, which is really the Khazarian Mafia that worship Baal, also produced Rothschild who is related to King Nimrod of Babylon. Rothschild was in England working with the English Royal Family who funded him to set up English Military to go against America in the American Revolutionairy War but Rothschild funneled some of the money into his coffers which was used to build a banking Empire across Europe which later bankrupted England.
Prince William, Rothschild's funder, join Adam Wieshap's newly formed Illuminati along with 2000 other very rich people. The Jesuits told Wieshap to make the Illuminati because they wanted to change their name as they were hated worldwide for all their tyranny. When Wieshap's partner saw how nasty Wieshap's personality was, he ditched him. Wieshap was into stuff like the old Mystery Cults which he read about in the underground Jesuit library.
Later German Gov abolished the Illuminati and banned secret societies after hearing that the Illuminati's goal was to destroy all Government and Religion worldwide. This created confusion and forced the Illuminati to go into hiding. They hid in the secretive Masonic Lodges where old Knight's Templars, another Tyrannical group of ancient times, had also hid in (especially the Scottish Rite).
The false Messiah Jacob Frank also fled to Germany where he, Rothschild and Weishap had a meeting. In the meeting, they decided to join forces.
Wieshap had the Jesuits and their secret knowledge of world domination.
Rothschild had the money.
Jacob Frank had knowledge of Satanic cult stuff.
Together they forced a powerful Satanic Secret Society full of very rich businessmen and politicians that infiltrated power centers all around the world. Today they own 37 million Corporations worldwide.
Germany won WW1, but the Zionists told England they will ensure they win the war if they promise them the land of Israel in the Middle East. England agreed. Americans were manipulated into joining WW1 to help destroy Germany which they barely did. Zion got their land in Palestine to form Israel.
They drove Jews to Israel by ordering Hitler and Stalin to persecute them and drive them to Israel. In exchange, they get to keep their wealth and German goods would be sold to them in Israel.
The Khazarian Zionists don't like Orthodox Jews. They never did and let many of them die in Concentration Camps so they can hijack their race. The Jews today are 8% Orthodox and 92% Khazar. Most Khazars are just ordinary civilians though and have nothing to do with the Mafia element.
The Orthodox Jews are considered the original Jews who are related to Abraham from the Bible. They are totally innocent in all this and have nothing to do with world tyranny. Their names are tainted by the Khazarian Mob.
The Khazarian Mafia are the ones behind much of the world's antiSemitism. They love antiSemitism because it gives them the opportunity to call anyone who speaks out against them an antiSemite when it is they themselves that owned Hitler. Khazars are also called AshkeNAZI Jews.
Finally their Illuminati group funded the CFR in the United States which is a group of 6000 elites from all walks of life (politics, Hollywood, Media,ect..) through their Rockafeller agent. The CFR's purpose is to destroy the US Constitution and Human Rights in America.
Their ultimate goal is to destroy all Government and Religions worldwide and then force Satanism by law upon the people whom they seek to totally enslave.
Here's a quick rundown on the Khazarian Mafia.
The ancient Cananites of Judea worshipped Baal and warred with ancient Israel who believe in Yawhey.
Babylon overran Judea and took these Cananites into Babylonian Captivity until they were freed by King Cyrus.
Then they existed in their land of Khazaria which is southern Russia. This group does NOT have a Hebrew bloodline leading back to Abraham but Orthodox Jews do. They are different races.
The King of Khazaria Bulan was part of a Khazarian Mafia who would infiltrate other countries and run Satanic rituals, ect... They were robbing people's caravans but learned robbing people through banking was easier. They proposed interest loan payments but the Christians and Muslims in Khazaria opposed it. The Jewish sect of Khazaria was ok with it so the King converted to Judaism and so did his people. In truth, the King worshipped Baal and Satan though.
The Roos, (Russians) had enough of them and destroyed Khazaria forcing Khazarians to migrate to Western Europe where the Khazarian Mafia did dirty work for the European Nobles (Black Nobility).
The Khazarian Mafia later produced a man who claimed to Elijah and his son to be the Messiah who wanted to create Israel in Palestine since the Middle East was rich in oil. They could tap into that wealth. They formed Zionism.
Later 2 other false Messiahs appeared including Jacob Frank who claimed the Gnostic belief that the God of the Bible is evil and that all that he says not to do should be done including raping kids or incest.
This radical Zionist group, which is really the Khazarian Mafia that worship Baal, also produced Rothschild who is related to King Nimrod of Babylon. Rothschild was in England working with the English Royal Family who funded him to set up English Military to go against America in the American Revolutionairy War but Rothschild funneled some of the money into his coffers which was used to build a banking Empire across Europe which later bankrupted England.
Prince William, Rothschild's funder, join Adam Wieshap's newly formed Illuminati along with 2000 other very rich people. The Jesuits told Wieshap to make the Illuminati because they wanted to change their name as they were hated worldwide for all their tyranny. When Wieshap's partner saw how nasty Wieshap's personality was, he ditched him. Wieshap was into stuff like the old Mystery Cults which he read about in the underground Jesuit library.
Later German Gov abolished the Illuminati and banned secret societies after hearing that the Illuminati's goal was to destroy all Government and Religion worldwide. This created confusion and forced the Illuminati to go into hiding. They hid in the secretive Masonic Lodges where old Knight's Templars, another Tyrannical group of ancient times, had also hid in (especially the Scottish Rite).
The false Messiah Jacob Frank also fled to Germany where he, Rothschild and Weishap had a meeting. In the meeting, they decided to join forces.
Wieshap had the Jesuits and their secret knowledge of world domination.
Rothschild had the money.
Jacob Frank had knowledge of Satanic cult stuff.
Together they forced a powerful Satanic Secret Society full of very rich businessmen and politicians that infiltrated power centers all around the world. Today they own 37 million Corporations worldwide.
Germany won WW1, but the Zionists told England they will ensure they win the war if they promise them the land of Israel in the Middle East. England agreed. Americans were manipulated into joining WW1 to help destroy Germany which they barely did. Zion got their land in Palestine to form Israel.
They drove Jews to Israel by ordering Hitler and Stalin to persecute them and drive them to Israel. In exchange, they get to keep their wealth and German goods would be sold to them in Israel.
The Khazarian Zionists don't like Orthodox Jews. They never did and let many of them die in Concentration Camps so they can hijack their race. The Jews today are 8% Orthodox and 92% Khazar. Most Khazars are just ordinary civilians though and have nothing to do with the Mafia element.
The Orthodox Jews are considered the original Jews who are related to Abraham from the Bible. They are totally innocent in all this and have nothing to do with world tyranny. Their names are tainted by the Khazarian Mob.
The Khazarian Mafia are the ones behind much of the world's antiSemitism. They love antiSemitism because it gives them the opportunity to call anyone who speaks out against them an antiSemite when it is they themselves that owned Hitler. Khazars are also called AshkeNAZI Jews.
Finally their Illuminati group funded the CFR in the United States which is a group of 6000 elites from all walks of life (politics, Hollywood, Media,ect..) through their Rockafeller agent. The CFR's purpose is to destroy the US Constitution and Human Rights in America. Their ultimate goal is to destroy all Government and Religions worldwide and then force Satanism by law upon the people whom they seek to totally enslave.

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