1 year ago

BlackRock Controls 40% Of Investable Assets Globally Which Are The Food Industry~Medical Industry~Weapon Industry ~Transportation~Media And The Dark Militaryโ€”<>0<>โ€”
In Order To Fullfill Their Pockets With Money~Greed And World Power<>0<>
They Have To Create A Crisis And Invent A Solution To Control The Crisisโ€”<>โ€”
Which Are WARSโ€” For Weaponry
CLIMATE CHANGE/GREEN ENERGYโ€”For Solar Panel~Electric Cars~Wind Mills
COVID PANDEMICโ€” For Vaccines
BLACKROCK Uses The Media As A Corporation To Sell Services From Other Corporate Companies Which Are All Monopolies

Russia White Hats Special Forces Spetznas Kills Pedo~Kingpin In Ukraine๐Ÿ‘ฒ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ

The joint U.S. Special Forces-Spetznas strike force that rescued 73 children from Ukrainian Adrenochrome peddlers last week has scored another victory, this time against a 62-year-old child trafficker who had been living a Heffneresque lifestyle at his opulent, guarded estate in Crimea, an autonomous republic of Ukraine encompassing most of Crimea that Russia annexed in 2014.

As reported last week, elements of the U.S. and Russian militaries entered an informal dรฉtente to save American and Russian children held hostage at an Adrenochrome laboratory in southern Ukraine. The unit killed the facilityโ€™s security and freed the children without suffering a friendly casualty.

General Eric M. Smith, 5th Special Forces Group commander Brent Lindemen, and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the latter of whom initially proposed the coupling of the two militaries, were so pleased with the teamโ€™s operational success and degree of cooperative commitment that they posited an idea to the leaders of each groupโ€”remain in Ukraine, working as a unified team to eliminate child traffickers throughout the immoral country. The Special Forces and Spetznas leaders agreed, reportedly saying they were in for the long haul, for as long as it takes to eradicate traffickers and pedophiles, expose their Eastern Europe and Western handlers, and save Godโ€™s children.

Since the start of Vladimir Putinโ€™s Special Military Operation in February 2022, Russian Armed Forces have saved thousands of children and assassinated scores of notorious traffickers, primarily in northern Ukraine along its borders with the Russian Federation. Heavy losses precipitated changes in tactics, and the unholy ring leaders moved their ungodly operations south, distancing themselves from the Russian military and positioning themselves closer to countries like Poland, Hungary, and Romaniaโ€”nations whose leaders are in league with Zelenskyy and the criminal Biden regime. Our source said the joint unit will focus on but not limit itself to targets in that theater.

What could have been an intractable dilemma was quickly resolved by Gen. Smith and Shoiguโ€”who would issue orders? Which leader, the Special Forces or the Spetznas, would have the final say in tactical decisions?

Both militaries adhere to a unified chain of command, without which anarchyโ€”and fraggingโ€”typically ensues. America had its fair share in Vietnam, and Russia in Afghanistan. Grenades tossed into latrines and what not.

Each side would designate a battle-hardened combat officer, preferably a colonel or a general, to coordinate war efforts from a clandestine command center in Belarus, meaning the designees and their families would have to uproot and relocate. Each manโ€™s input would carry equal weight, irrespective of rank, and together they would prioritize targets and pass intelligence to the Special Forces-Spetznas team.

Likewise, the senior Special Forces and Spetznas must overcome cultural differences and contrasts in combat doctrine to fight as one effectively.

โ€œWeโ€™re in uncharted waters here,โ€ said our source in Gen. Smithโ€™s office, โ€œand the waterโ€™s so murky we canโ€™t see the bottom. The playbook is getting rewritten downrange. So far, weโ€™re two-for-two in cooperation and victories.โ€

He did not provide a play-by-play of Thursdayโ€™s operation against Ukrainian underworld figure Mykola Taran, a hypocritical purveyor of kidnapped children who, according to the FSB, amassed a fortune brokering the sales of abducted children to buyers in Moldova, Hungary, Slovakia, and Czechia. Mykola was a hypocrite because he publicly denounced child trafficking and pedophilia while overlording one of Ukraineโ€™s most prolific child trafficking syndicates. Although never seen in the company of a minor, he had no qualms about profiting from their misery.

The Special Forces-Spetznas team, codename โ€œRaven,โ€ effortlessly disabled Mykolaโ€™s security system and killed sentries patrolling the perimeter of his walled estate, which had two swimming pools and a 9-hole golf course. They used silenced weapons to kill three more guards inside the seven-bedroom mansion, where Mykola and an unnamed adult female were asleep in the master bedroom. Mykola had left his computer on. The screen showed a spreadsheet listing names, genders, and ages of children up for sale and links to websites with images.

The Russian and American leads understood what had to be done without uttering a word; they agreed that the female had to be complicit in Mykolaโ€™s crimes.

They put two rounds in each head, then seized the evidence and stealthily withdrew.

โ€œItโ€™s being analyzed and will hopefully lead them to those kids. We know these arenโ€™t the same kids they saved in Nahachiv. That place is full of sickos, and hopefully, Mykolaโ€™s death puts a dent, even a small one, in their operation,โ€ our source said.

Deep Staters Untried And Who Died At Gitmo~Shalanda Young๐Ÿšท๐Ÿ‘ฃ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ

In April Real Raw News reported on the arrest of Shalanda Young, a Biden colleague who oversaw the Office of Budget & Management and clandestinely wired $17 billion to PrivatBank, a prominent Ukrainian bank known for laundering copious amounts of criminal cash. Charged with treason and defrauding the United States of America, Young was scheduled to stand trial in May, but as sometimes happens at Guantanamo Bay, she died an unclimactic death weeks before her day in court.

On May 7, Young slipped on a puddle of water outside her cell door, fracturing her skull when she fell backward onto the concrete floor. Her head split like a busted melon. It spilled blood and cero-spinal fluid onto the floor. Her body twitched violently as if in the throes of a grand mal seizure. She soiled herself seconds before she stopped moving.

She was brought to the Guantanamo Bay Naval Hospital and pronounced dead.

Medical staff ruled that Youngโ€™s weight contributed to the severity of the fall. They determined the impact to the base of the skull irreparably damaged vital centers in the midbrain and brainstem and that โ€œcerebral hemorrhaging and fracture of the anterior and middle cranial fossaโ€ were primary factors in her death.

A GITMO source told Real Raw News that Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall lamented Youngโ€™s premature demise because he looked forward to prosecuting JAGโ€™s case against her.

A civilian janitor, he added, had been mopping the cell row five minutes before Young, who was not considered a violent offender or an escape risk, was buzzed out of the cell for a meeting with her attorney, who had arrived at GITMO an hour earlier. The janitor had apparently spilled water near Youngโ€™s cell and failed to dry the floor.

The janitor and contracted sanitation company were questioned briefly. They were cleared of criminality, having no motive for setting up Youngโ€™s fall. The janitor said he had made an innocent but inexcusable mistake. Thus, Youngโ€™s death was ruled an accident.

We pressed our source for clarification on GITMOโ€™s seemingly carefree security, as it was the first weโ€™d heard of prisoners leaving cells sans handcuffs and at least two MP guards.

โ€œLook, thereโ€™s no excuse. And itโ€™s not something weโ€™re proud of. The military lives on regimentation and SOPs. Young was what youโ€™d call a model inmate. An MP was three feet away from the accident, and if she had run and not smashed her head, she would have bumped into magnetically sealed doors on both ends of the block.โ€

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