Scientists All Over the World Knew in 2021 That Covid-19 "Vaccines" Were Harmful

1 year ago

Christof Plothe, DO: "There are many, many questions and actually, there are many answers already about the dangers of the mRNA technology itself. Instead of looking at what the approval study should have looked at, and this is, of course, overall death in the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated, which was never done, and in fact, what we could see in the approval papers handed in to the health official bodies was that more people actually died in the vaccinated group than in the control group. So, that was already one important endpoint of a study that was somehow missed, which should be the most relevant for anybody with common sense.

And the second one would, of course be, if we have a vaccine, how much it actually prevents you from infection. Well, we know that that was never the case. And how much it prevents you from spreading it, we know that as well. That was a myth.

So we're not left with many criteria of importance that we could look at. But one of them that we took the time to analyse was, what about efficiency? And in fact, there have been a few publications in the last few months, but looking back, that already dated from [20]21 where the first signs were, and that was even from the official boards, we're talking about studies from the CDC itself, we're talking about numerous papers from eminent scientists all over the world that could show that the technology created a negative efficiency. So, negative efficiency means, for those who don't know the term, that you are more likely to catch the disease, in this case, if you have been injected with the genetic injection of Covid."

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