Mother Duck Leads New Ducklings Through High School To Creek

7 years ago

Ah, they grow up so fast…

It’s bittersweet letting your children grow into adults but a mother has got to do what a mother has got to do. In this case, it means letting your children go to school. Each year, millions of mothers send their young ones off on their merry way in yellow school buses and they hope that things will turn out great.

However, there are moms like this one, who don’t want to leave it all to chance and decide to take their kids to school themselves, even if it means entering the school premises with them.

This funny video occurred on May 8, 2017 in Bozeman, Montana, USA. This duck mama seems to have quite the motherly instinct since apparently this isn’t her first time taking her kids to school. Here’s how it all went down according to the man that recorded the whole thing: "Each year a mother duck lays her eggs in the Bozeman High School courtyard. When the eggs hatch, she knocks on the door with her bill until the door is opened and she leads her ducklings to the Mandeville Creek in front of the school. I have a 2014 video of the same thing but the quality isn't as good."

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