Four Reasons to Distrust Evolutionism

1 year ago

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Is evolution the fact you’ve been told it is? Or is there reason to doubt Darwin and variations of his theory? Many discoveries made over the last half century, call into question whether life as we know it, could possibly be the result of random chance. One scientist with a PhD in molecular and cellular biology thinks otherwise. Jonathan Wells stated the following in an interview with Lee Strobel:

The evidence for Darwinism is not only grossly inadequate, it’s systematically distorted. I’m convinced that sometime in the not-too-distant future—I don’t know, maybe twenty or thirty years from now—people will look back in amazement and say, “How could anyone have believed this?” Darwinism is merely materialistic philosophy masquerading as science, and people are recognizing it for what it is (Strobel, p. 65).

Darwinism and macro-evolution, is not the open and closed case, that diehard evolutionists would like you to believe.

And if empirical evidence is not on Darwin’s side, this has serious implications for how we got here, and whether there is a purpose for our existence.

You may be surprised, at how many, highly educated scientists are now coming out and saying they are Darwin skeptics. Evolution is on trial. Cracks are forming in its foundations. On today’s program, I’ll show you who some of these scientists are, what some of the cracks are in this failing theory, and tell you about a new booklet, written by fellow presenter Wallace Smith, on Evolution and Creation. It can be yours free for the asking, so stay tuned!

Welcome to Tomorrow’s World where we know the truth wins in the end. And welcome especially to all of you who are tuning in for the first time. Today I’m asking whether evolution is a scientifically proven FACT. It seems that everyone believes it is, but that’s not accurate. Evolution is on trial and many jurors are becoming skeptics. What about you?

Recent scientific discoveries are turning the science world upside down. Former evolutionists and atheists are losing their confidence in blind chance. On today’s program, I’ll give you four reasons to be a Darwin skeptic, so let’s begin.

Reason #1: You are not alone!

Lee Strobel is a former atheist who firmly believed in evolution. He admits he looked down upon poor religious souls who were so ignorant as to reject what he thought science proved long ago; but as an investigative journalist, he thoroughly researched the subject and wrote his findings in: The Case for a Creator. In this well-researched treatise, he describes how one hundred scientists from a variety of highly specialized disciplines, with PhDs from well-known and prestigious universities, reacted to a seven-part PBS series that asserted that:

“all known scientific evidence supports evolution” as does “virtually every reputable scientist in the world…” (Strobel, p. 31).

In response, these credentialed scientists reacted by posting a two-page ad in a national magazine in which they wrote:

We are skeptical of claims for the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life…. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged (Strobel, p 32).

Now who were these skeptics? Were they high school biology or Junior High astronomy teachers? Were they narrow-minded religious fanatics? Far from it! They were:

World-class scientists like Nobel nominee Henry F. Schaefer, the third most-cited chemist in the world; James Tour of Rice University’s Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology; and Fred Figworth, professor of cellular and molecular physiology at Yale Graduate School (Strobel, p 32).

So the next time that know-it-all biology 101 snowflake posts a putdown on the internet, ridiculing anyone who would dare disagree with Darwin, take heart. Men and women, who know far more than an unknown keyboard warrior, have serious doubts, and many former atheists and evolutionists have come to outright reject the idea that life could have evolved anywhere in the universe, much less here on planet Earth.

Note this example from a December 9, Associated Press news report:

A British philosophy professor who has been a leading champion of atheism for more than a half-century has changed his mind. He now believes in God more or less based on scientific evidence, and says so on a video released Thursday.

At age 81, after decades of insisting belief is a mistake, Antony Flew has concluded that some sort of intelligence or first cause must have created the universe. A super-intelligence is the only good explanation for the origin of life and the complexity of nature….

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