What Is the Great Tribulation Described in Revelation 6 and Matthew 24?

1 year ago

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Jesus Christ IS RETURNING! The Bible is absolutely clear on this glorious fact! But there are many events prophesied to occur before that return. And the one that is perhaps most speculated about is a period of time called the GREAT TRIBULATION. Christ tells us that this time that’s coming will be terrifying like no other—devastating for the world, and for the U.S. and Great Britain, in particular. If you want to understand the prophesied days ahead AND how the Bible says to prepare for them, then this episode of Tomorrow’s World is for you, as we answer the question, “What Is the Great Tribulation?”

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World! We’re glad you’re here.

If you are like many others who watch our program, then the news you see on television of the Internet leaves you wondering: What in the world is going on? In our politics and our personal lives, common decency and civility are becoming endangered species. Long held norms and moral standards of civilization are being turned upside down. The United States is increasingly seen as a nation that has lost its ability to lead the world. Even nuclear war, a concern that seemed to fade with the passing of the Cold War, has become a frightening possibility once again.

Is the world going crazy? Well, in short: Yes, it is! Mankind is reaching the end of 6,000 years of self-rule, during which God has given stubborn humanity the chance to learn that it cannot rule itself without His help! And the turbulent events we see around us represent a gathering storm of LITERALLY biblical proportions. That storm will ultimately mean not only the destruction of the United States, the United Kingdom and many other nations, but also the wholesale martyrdom of Christians and terrifying wars that will engulf all of civilization, itself. The world is rushing headlong into the time the Bible calls the “Great Tribulation.”

On today’s program, we will discuss the build-up to this time and what events mean for you and your family in the days just ahead of us. We will also offer you the chance to request our DVD “Escape the Great Tribulation.” More on that later, but to get your own free copy, be sure to note the phone number or other contact information we will be displaying on your screen during the program.

So, just what IS the Great Tribulation? Many preachers talk about it, novelists have written about it, but few know what it actually is. To understand the Great Tribulation, we will have to look into a book that too many Christians avoid and virtually everyone misunderstands: The biblical book of REVELATION. This book was given to us by Christ—in His own words—“to show His servants—things which must shortly take place.” This is the place to start if we want to understand our future. And though the book of Revelation seems mysterious and intimidating to some, we will find that Jesus Christ gives us exactly what we need to understand it.

Let’s begin by examining a mysterious scene shown to John in heaven, described in Revelation chapter 6. As we will see, this scene is crucial to understanding the future that is rushing toward us and the Great Tribulation. Right before this chapter, John is told that Almighty God, sitting on His throne, holds out a scroll that is sealed with seven seals and the question is asked: “Who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its [seven] seals?” In all of Creation, only Jesus Christ is found to be worthy. And as Christ opens the scroll—one seal at a time, one after the other in sequence—we see elements of our future revealed.

The first four seals are the infamous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

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