19 08 2023 - Melbourne - Free Speech Rally

1 year ago

Wake up - Open Your Eyes - Gov is trying to control & outlaw free speech and severely penalise people for having a difference of opinion or belief. Also grooming children to mutilate their genitalia without their Dad or Mum consent or knowledge and to remove children from their Dad & Mum to be made ward of the state and to groom them into the lgbtqpi+ alphabet agenda. Also through "the voice" create a total corporate dictatorship and total control of taking all lands from everyone and dictating the terms of your life in accordance to the WEF & the W.H.O. removal of children from Dad & Mum. Also CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency ) to force everyone onto a social credit score system with programmable money limiting and controlling what you can use that social credit to purchase, and being programmable you will not be able to save, but only use it for a certain time before the credit expires.
Through the W.H.O and the WEF and wanting to sign away your and australia sovereignty to the globalist corporations sign up to mandate vaccinations which is Nano bio MRNA DNA technology deploying quantum technologies. Eugenics program through planned parenting. Global surveillance and to enslave people & locked everyone into their 15 minute suburbs where nobody will be allowed to travel outside of 15 minutes from their home ( 15 minutes walking distance ).

Removal of meat for consumption and the replace of beef and animal products with eating dangerous bugs and worms consumption.

Mass tracking of everyone through nano and quantum technologies through also a mandated lifetime subscription to required state sponsored MRNA vaccinations and the complete removal of doctor patient confidentiality to conscript and require doctors to be an extension of government propaganda where now hospitals are short well over 20,000 registered health practitioners and government have imported people with little to no medical experience / qualifications to administer medical procedures and treat patients without knowing the basis of medical care, or how to administer or what quantities to administer. Governments, as in the words of mike pence, the people of the country of which they are in their electorate "they are not my concern - they are not my concern".

If you to your government are deemed as " you are not my concern".
Who Is Concerned For You ?

You can go home and take off a work uniform.
You can not go home and take off a medical procedure injected bioweapon.

So now that the death rate is now around 30,000 additional deaths in australia each year over the past 2 years which not covid, but nobody knows what it is, it is now called SADS ( Sudden Adult Death Syndrome ) which is the number 1 leader of deaths the past 2 years around the world where the coincidently where the covid19 vaccine rollout has occurred.

What causes the spike in 30,000 additional deaths in australia each year for the past 2 years nobody knows.

The media is saying that just because they all have had 1 or 2 or 3 covid vaccinations, they are sure its not that, but they do not know what it is, despite what other health and medical professionals are saying.

Trust your government, they should know better than the hundreds of thousands of health professionals who have left the medical profession due to forced covid19 vaccination rollout.
Just because they are trained medical professionals with many years of experience in the health professionals who refuse to get the covid19 vaccine and refuse to administer it because what they have seen what it has caused and has no safety test and that all the animal trials of the vaccine leading up to the mandates all died of blood clots, and those who their patients who they see are dying and getting extremely sick and hospitalised after the injections. Your government and paid media personalities who support the rollout such as shane warn who unfortunately passed away very shortly after receiving his vaccination are all telling to get vaccinated would know better ? Would your government and paid off celebrities lie to you ? Do not worry about how their billions of dollars here or there was paid to get the rollout happening by the very same organisations. Nothing to see there.

Keep watching netflix and home and away and nightly news and the football, and keep sending your children to the lgbtqiap+ indoctrination camp "schools" to get their indoctrination and their genitalia removed and a lifetime subscription to hormone blockers.

But not worry about that, if you as a Dad or Mum speak up against that you could be going to jail and have your children removed from your care if the school finds out about it, the schools will be asking your children about it, and your child could be put on hormone blockers like many many other children are for many years to prevent the from going through puberty ( after years of taking it is not reversible ). And the children who have their genitalia removed and / or are on hormone blockers - many of them unfortunately take their own life.
What will you say ? What will you do ?
Is football and tv show home and away more important ?
Governments do not want you home schooling your children.

Give them bread and circus and they will never revolt.
Give them food and entertainment and they will never revolt.
Where were you when they were coming for your children / grandchildren ?
What did you say ?
What did you do ?

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