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Big Pharma Democide: Gene Therapy as a Bioweapon to Myocarditis as a by-product
Sasha Latypova highlights 'Global Criminal Collusion of Pharma'
Methods for producing recombinant coronavirus
Patent number: 7279327
Type: Grant
Filed: April 19, 2002
Date of Patent: October 9, 2007
Assignee: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Inventors: Kristopher M. Curtis, Boyd Yount, Ralph S. Baric
Exhaustive proof Moderna made Covid-19
Daszak's coronavirus grant was rejected by Pentagon over ‘gain of function’ concerns a year before pandemic
"The application that EcoHealth Alliance submitted to DARPA in 2018..outlines several risky research projects. Among other things, 'human-specific cleavage sites were to be introduced into SARS-like viruses."
Some scientists might argue that the proposal was not successful - DARPA did not fund it. But it doesn't mean
it wasn't already ongoing even at the time of proposal.
When you see this level of detail, there's a good chance some preliminary work has been done.
Leaked Grant Proposal Details High-Risk Coronavirus Research
The proposal, rejected by U.S. military research agency DARPA, describes the insertion of human-specific cleavage sites into SARS-related bat coronaviruses.
The Covid Lab-Leak Deception
Scientists who signed a paper claiming a natural origin turn out not to have believed it themselves.
The erasure of anti-lab-origin statements from the final letter indicates that this meeting as such was not the source of the lab leak cover-up. Equally, there were people involved in that meeting who plainly did want to suppress any discussion of the possibility.
Most notably, shortly after the teleconference, one participant, EcoHealth Alliance Director Peter Daszak, emailed another, Ralph Baric, the U.S. virologist who had collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology on coronavirus gain-of-function work, to begin to organise the infamous Lancet statement, published February 19th, that condemned “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin”.
Was it the failure to carry the day with the NASEM letter that led Daszak and Baric to initiate the Lancet statement? Or would they have done that anyway? It’s hard to say. But either way it becomes clear who in that meeting was most desirous of pushing this agenda forward.
Based on these backroom goings-on, it would appear that the cover-up wasn’t ordered by anyone as such. Rather, it seems to have been driven by some well-connected scientists like Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric who were personally connected to the scientific work at the centre of suspicions. Others not directly implicated went along with the suppression to varying degrees, some of their statements differing in public and private.
Kristian Andersen is a particularly fascinating case study. The Scripps microbiology professor’s worry that the new virus looked engineered was what had brought about the Fauci teleconference in the first place. He got in touch with Farrar, who got in touch with Fauci, leading Fauci to ask Farrar to convene the group. Eddie Holmes, one of the group, later said they excluded Baric from this group because they wanted a “proper investigation”. “We decided not to invite Ralph Baric just because he was too close to the WIV. … We wanted to make it a proper investigation.” During their discussions Fauci told Andersen that if he thought it came from a lab he should write a paper. Andersen drafted Proximal Origin and included the possibility of a lab origin (albeit via serial passage rather than direct engineering, which Andersen was dismissive of) and submitted it to Nature; Fauci, Collins and Farrar notably all signed off on this paper. When it was rejected by Nature (courtesy of an unnamed reviewer who seems to have been of the Daszak and Baric persuasion) for not rejecting lab origin firmly enough, Andersen robustly defended the inclusion of the possibility. Yet he then wrote it out of the final version published in Nature Medicine, and since then has not publicly defended a lab origin, though privately emails have shown his suspicions continued at least for several more months. Nonetheless, by 2022 he was putting his name to studies claiming (spuriously) to show “dispositive” evidence that the Huanan wet market was the source of the (natural) outbreak.
Farrar is another intriguing case. Initially writing that he was “50-50” between natural and lab origin, at around the same point in mid-February he managed to both sign off on the first version of Proximal Origin, which allowed for a lab origin, and sign the Lancet letter condemning a non-natural origin as a conspiracy theory! 50-50 indeed.
Heart attacks at record level after pandemic
Hospital cases at new high as health chiefs raise fears that those with symptoms are failing to seek help
The title of US Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, “The Wuhan Cover Up”, does not
really represent the scope and nature of this seminal work. This book is the most comprehensive historic summary
and indictment of the history of the United States’ biowarfare/biodefense program ever written. Summarizing an
amazing sweep of untold censored history, it begins with ancient Mediterranean and European examples of both
chemical and biological warfare, proceeds to an open discussion of the shocking truths concerning Imperial
Japan’s WW II biowarfare program (Unit 731), the importation of both Japanese and German biowarfare experts
and technologies into Fort Detrick to create USAMRIID (operation Paperclip), strategic evasion of global
biowarfare “treaties”, through to the present Wuhan Institute of Virology CIA/Intelligence Community/Chinese
CCP collusion and cover up, and concludes by glancing into the future.
What is often overlooked by academia, corporate media and the Washington DC political caste is that the history
of modern biology (particularly microbiology, molecular biology, and virology) and the infectious disease
pharmaceutical industry is intimately entwined with the American biowarfare enterprise. It has been estimated
that total Federal expenditures on biowarfare research and development from the end of WW II through to the
implementation of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (1975) exceeded the costs of the US Nuclear
Warfare program during this period, and this biowarfare program (and funding stream) is intimately linked to
academia. Most of the leaders of the American Society of Microbiology were also leaders in the American
DoD/CIA-funded biowarfare program. This background and context is necessary to understand how the
fundamental corruption of academic medicine, peer-reviewed journals, the CDC, FDA, biological and academic
research have been so comprehensive, as has been revealed by the COVIDcrisis.
Coronavirus: Key Genetic Sequence for Furin Cleavage Site Patented by Moderna in 2016
Modernagate HIV inserts and patent predating Covid19 pandemic.
Researchers say one in 3trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally
US patent 9,587,003 filed Feb 2016
A Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) search for the 12-nucleotide insertion led us to a 100% reverse match in a proprietary
sequence (SEQ ID11652, nt 2751-2733) found in the U.S. patent 9,587,003 filed on February 4, 2016. In bioinformatics, BLAST is an
algorithm and program for comparing primary biological sequence information, such as the amino-acid sequences of proteins or the
nucleotides of DNA and/or RNA sequences. Moderna filed the patent as part of its cancer research division. COVID-19 is made up of
30,000 letters of genetic code that carry the information it needs to spread that are known as nucleotides. The commonality was a very
small piece made up of 19 nucleotides. Analysis of the original COVID-19 genome found the virus shares a sequence of 19 specific letters
with a genetic section owned by Moderna, which has a total of 3,300 nucleotides, according to the report.
The findings were published in Frontiers in Virology and the team includes Akhil Varshney f
mRNA Coronavirus Vaccine Candidated Transferred from NIAID to Ralph Baric of UNC on Dec 16 2019:
These scientists seem to have worked very tirelessly PRIOR to the discovery of Sars-Cov-2, but knew a little bit too much about what ended up happening, PRIOR to the discovery. Here we see the Moderna vaccine candidate transferred from NIAID to Ralph Baric of UNC as of Dec 12, 2019:
Ralph Baric is the scientist who experimented with adding HIV genetic sequences to coronaviruses to enhance their function:
The Pandemic Exposed Just How Prevalent Fraud in Science Is
Porton Down: Can this laboratory help stop the next pandemic?
Sasha Latypova: "So this is a (US) military action, military program...that has suspended all safety rules
and regulations everywhere in the world effectively."
Pharmaceutical Veteran Blows the Whistle on the evidence of collusion between industry, global regulatory
agencies, and the US Department of Defense
The Unwitting Coup: Was the Response to COVID Effectively a Coup by the Western Intelligence Community?
The world has been counting on the intelligence community to call out anything untoward about the response
to COVID. Of course, that won’t happen, because they’re the ones who planned it.
From an early date, commentators have noted that the response to COVID had all the look and feel of a coup attempt. The masks, the slogans, the symbols, the lies, the sudden inversion of long-cherished norms and values, the mindless acceptance of information from nefarious sources like the World Health Organization and China. Something was seriously off, and it all seemed so obvious.
Thus, one overarching question always lingered over the response to COVID. How were officials able to implement such destructive, totalitarian policies across the western world without intelligence authorities stepping in to stop them?
A detached review of the evidence leads to a chilling answer—though in hindsight, perhaps the only one that was ever really possible. Quite simply, the reason the western intelligence community never stepped in to stop this illiberalism is that virtually all the most illiberal aspects of the response to COVID lead directly back to the western intelligence community itself.
Reviewing the Evidence
The western intelligence community was behind the birth of “social distancing” as public health policy via Richard Hatchett and Carter Mecher—operatives with deep ties to the highest levels of the intelligence and biosecurity communities—through their work on biodefense policy during the Bush administration. In what may be the mother of all COVID coverups, Hatchett and Mecher’s story that “social distancing” was based on a 14-year-old’s science project, as told through the New York Times and celebrity author Michael Lewis, appears to be nothing but an elaborate cover story for the fact that the concept was lifted directly from China’s longstanding policy of “lockdown” during SARS in 2003.
The intelligence community either planned or was in attendance at nearly all the pandemic simulations that began being held on a semi-annual basis beginning with Dark Winter in 2001. Current Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines was personally present and sat directly beside China’s CDC Director at the Event 201 simulation of a coronavirus pandemic which took place just weeks before COVID was revealed.
Michael Callahan, the federal government’s chief virus intelligence expert, told National Geographic that he began tracking the novel coronavirus in November 2019, and he was the US government’s only confirmed contact in Wuhan during the initial lockdown in January 2020. Upon returning from Wuhan, Callahan’s testimony was key to throwing the federal government into a state of emergency and the widespread adoption of mechanical ventilators which proved to be deadly. The federal government’s first impressions of COVID thus came from the western intelligence community via Callahan.
Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger, one of America’s highest-ranking intelligence officials in 2020, arguably played the most important role of any individual in the initial months of the response to COVID, unilaterally ratcheting up alarm about COVID in the White House beginning in January 2020 and advocating mask mandates, quarantines, and shutdowns all based on his own sources in China, while breaching protocol on several occasions. Pottinger was also behind the appointment of White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx, and he selected Birx for this role as a “public health security advisor” as early as November 2019, the same time that Callahan began tracking the new coronavirus. Having been installed in the White House, Birx then went on to be the chief force orchestrating lockdowns across the United States.
The origin of the online videos of Wuhan residents falling to their deaths which went viral all over the world in early 2020 is disputed. The videos were carefully edited, suggesting a sophisticated state-sponsored disinformation campaign, and they directly contradicted the reality of what we now know was taking place in China at the time, suggesting the Chinese Communist Party either created or at least approved of them. However, the videos were generally released through Chinese dissident groups that claimed to be hawkish toward the CCP and thus also had the approval of the western intelligence community. While some of these were most likely CCP controlled opposition groups, regardless, the western intelligence community green-lit the dissemination of these videos.
The propaganda story about Li Wenliang, the eye doctor who was supposedly punished for warning his friends about an incidence of pneumonia in Wuhan in December 2019, appears to have in fact been invented by the venerated CCP propaganda outlet Beijing Youth Daily weeks after the events supposedly occurred. However, just days after being invented by the CCP’s propaganda machine, this absurd tale about Li Wenliang was featured in many of the western world’s most elite media outlets, including the New York Times, BBC, Foreign Policy, the Financial Times, and countless others, and it continues to be touted as true in elite policy circles to this day. This story, too, thus had the approval of the western intelligence community.
Prior to the lockdown of Lombardy, Italy, in February 2020, virtually no one in the world was publicly advocating or hoping that China’s lockdowns would come to be adopted as global policy. Yet in his book, Italy’s health minister Roberto Speranza recalls that he was well aware the concept of lockdown came from China and that the decision to adopt this policy in Lombardy was made based on information from Stefano Merler. A look at Merler’s work reveals that he spent 2020 stamping information from China as “science,” effectively running a propaganda laundering operation on behalf of the CCP. Yet Merler had also been praised by Bill Gates and was part of the western biodefense network. In 2013, Merler had authored Containing the accidental laboratory escape of potential pandemic influenza viruses; it appears the western biosecurity community deputized Merler for just this purpose in 2020. This decision for Italy to copy China’s lockdown policy thus appears to have been condoned by the western intelligence community as well.
Days after the lockdown of Lombardy, the WHO released a report gushing about China’s lockdown measures, telling the world, “China’s uncompromising and rigorous use of nonpharmaceutical measures to contain transmission of the COVID-19 virus in multiple settings provides vital lessons for the global response.” As Assistant Director General Bruce Aylward reported, “What China has demonstrated is, you have to do this.” Apparently the western intelligence community either failed to notice or tacitly approved of this bizarre act of sycophancy to the CCP as well, rubber stamping China’s lockdowns into global policy.
In March 2020, hundreds of thousands of social media bots began touting China’s lockdown policy on Twitter using nearly identical language. Given these bots heaped praise on China while denigrating every other country in the world, including the United States, it’s long been quite clear that this was a CCP disinformation campaign. That said, these bots were permitted to perform their function and, incredibly, their pro-lockdown posts were not deleted from Twitter until well into 2021. Even as far back as 2014, millions of bot posts touted “lockdown”—specifically using the Chinese term instead of the western term of “social distancing”—in response to Ebola in Sierra Leone, and those bot posts remain intact to this day. These massive disinformation campaigns were allowed to take place and the posts were able to stay up for years despite social media being tightly monitored by the western intelligence community throughout this period.
As soon as lockdowns began, dissenting opinions were censored, with one prominent example being the censorship of Aaron Ginn for his original anti-lockdown article in March 2020. Worse yet, Twitter under its prior management gave prestigious “blue checks” to ridiculous users like nutritionist Eric Feigl-Ding, who sowed COVID hysteria on an almost daily basis from the earliest possible date. Even top scientists on the political left who generally supported lockdowns were so troubled by Ding as to jointly call him out as a charlatan. Yet astonishingly, Twitter ignored these bipartisan calls to rein Ding in and instead featured him prominently in its exclusive “COVID-19 experts” section. In light of revelations in the Twitter Files and Missouri v. Biden, we now know that the western intelligence community was steering these decisions on COVID by major social media platforms.
When the response to COVID began, the public health establishment, in accordance with its longstanding guidance, did not initially recommend masks. Weeks later, this guidance abruptly changed, and masks were mandated across the western world. Both Pottinger and Birx pushed for masks inside the White House based on their own information and experience from China. Simultaneously, Zeynep Tufekci and Jeremy Howard launched a bewilderingly-successful campaign to reverse the CDC’s longstanding mask guidance and push for mask mandates all across America—also based on information from China. The western intelligence community, through Pottinger and Birx, and perhaps through Tufekci and Howard, thus instigated this shift in masking guidance.
The intelligence community was also heavily involved in the development and push for COVID vaccines, with Michael Callahan and others playing leading roles in “Operation Warp Speed.”
The western intelligence community may also be behind some of the most prominent controlled opposition to the official response to COVID. Nearly every leading intelligence official in 2020 has endorsed the theory that COVID came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Matt Pottinger was instrumental in the initial push for that theory. One of the most prominent public advocates of the “lab leak theory,” Jamie Metzl, is a former member of the White House National Security Council. Some of the other most prominent public advocates of the lab leak theory have either now or in the past been directly employed by Sandia National Laboratories; Sandia National Laboratories was instrumental in the birth of “social distancing” as public health policy during the Bush administration.
Most importantly, the western intelligence community holds the keys to any serious investigation into any of these events. All over the world, across professions, citizens have been depending on the idea that if there was anything corrupt or rotten about the response to COVID, the western intelligence community would step in. Of course, that won’t happen, because as the above record makes clear, they’re the ones who planned it.
The Missing Link
The view of the response to COVID as having been driven primarily by the western intelligence community goes a long way to explaining several key mysteries.
It brings newfound significance to the catastrophe of 2010 to 2012 in which America’s entire spy network in China was systematically executed based on intelligence leaks from the CIA—this is considered one of the CIA’s worst failures in history. To put the horror of this catastrophe into perspective, dozens of CCP officials had been been selfless enough to place their trust in the United States, hoping that doing so might help bring positive change to their country. For this, some group in the CIA routed this information back to the CCP and had every one of these brave individuals murdered; the fate of their families is unknown. Apparently from such an early date, some elements in the CIA were already doing the bidding of the CCP to such a revolting degree, and were able to get away with it.
It explains why obvious communist assets like Lancet editor-in-chief Richard Horton, 40-year British Communist Party Member Susan Michie, the WHO’s Bruce Aylward, and others have been able to operate so openly and even advance their careers despite all the harm their policies have caused.
It may help explain why the intelligence community has been gradually cultivating more and more previously-independent media outlets, and how an entire apparatus for censoring the legal speech of western citizens was able to be set up and operated without the public’s knowledge.
It explains why the propaganda and illiberalism of the official response to COVID has always seemed so transparent, with media outlets across the world suddenly bombarding their own people with coordinated terror messaging featuring lines such as “flatten the curve,” “we’re all in this together,” “just stay home,” “follow the science,” and “two weeks to slow the spread” without anyone stepping in to stop it, and why the narrative of elite institutions has generally drifted so far from public opinion.
It explains why some leaders like Donald Trump and Boris Johnson who weren’t initially keen on lockdowns have always seemed so confused; it seems the information they were being fed by the intelligence community on COVID may have been deliberately misleading.
It explains why the facts coming from the western intelligence community keep changing, with several officials initially telling reporters that they first learned about the virus in November 2019—in line with Callahan’s testimony—but then changing their story to insist that no one knew about the virus until December 30, 2019.
It explains why the “resistance” to the official response to COVID always seemed like such a hodgepodge, with a loose-knit network of rather ordinary individuals able to have such an unusually large impact on the public conversation, uncovering damning facts that were going unreported by major media outlets, and why even some very high-level officials like Supreme Court Justices have had to turn to grassroots sources like the Brownstone Institute for information on what actually happened.
An Unwitting Coup
Upon reviewing the evidence, it’s hauntingly clear that the illiberalism of the response to COVID largely emanated from the western intelligence community. But in part owing to the secrecy of the agencies involved, it’s difficult to determine who exactly within the intelligence community might have orchestrated all this and why.
One important lead is Richard Hatchett, the father of “social distancing,” who spun a book-length cover story about how the concept came from a 14-year-old girl’s science project. Another is Michael Callahan, whose testimony from Wuhan threw the federal government into a state of emergency. Callahan reported to Robert Kadlec, another official with longstanding ties to the biosecurity community. Another clear lead is former Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger. Given Pottinger is central to virtually every official narrative of the initial months of the response to COVID, it’s inexcusable that he’s still never been called to testify about his role.
But so far, the trail ends there. Pottinger reported to National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and there’s nothing suspicious about either of those men. Another possible lead is Avril Haines, currently Director of National Intelligence, who sat alongside China’s CDC Director George Gao at Event 201—but Haines wasn’t in any position of power when COVID first appeared during the Trump administration in 2020. Perhaps a more likely scenario is that the leaders of our intelligence agencies were overly-trusting of their subordinates, and could thus have been rolled by some corrupt mid-level agents.
Further, there’s a degree of truth to the critical notion that, by virtue of their secrecy and their longstanding ethos of realpolitik, the western intelligence community may have a somewhat totalitarian culture all on their own, notwithstanding the influence of the CCP. This longstanding culture of justifying the use of force and propaganda abroad may have blinded western intelligence leaders to the illiberalism of the policies their agencies were deploying in response to COVID; thus, what we witnessed during COVID may have been the result of the CIA and its counterparts turning their awesome powers of manipulation against their own people, however unwittingly.
Still, the amount of planning and the reliance on information from China during the response to COVID is too uncanny for there not to have been a significant degree of CCP influence involved. While there’s plenty of corruption to go around in public health, the media, and other branches of government at both the state and federal level, no genuine inquiry into what took place can be possible without the intelligence community looking straight in the mirror.
The response to COVID was one of the greatest peacetime policy catastrophes in history, shredding America’s international credibility, robbing children of years of their youth and education, killing millions, throwing hundreds of millions into poverty, costing billions of life years, and transferring trillions in wealth from workers to billionaires, all for nothing. That this illiberalism emanated directly from the western intelligence community explains how a catastrophe of such magnitude was able to take place.
Most of all, that the western intelligence community drove the illiberalism of the response to COVID explains why the corruption and inhumanity of that response have always seemed so obvious, with the most valuable information on the events in question often coming from leading officials’ own books and interviews, despite how much harm they caused. They’re able to operate with such impunity because they know that the only agencies that can hold them accountable are the ones behind the whole spectacle. The propaganda is obvious, and it’s meant to be.
Given the scale of the tragedy and the gravity of the potential crimes, there’s a widespread sentiment that any investigation into the response to COVID should be handled by the proper authorities. On this point, Xi Jinping, a firm believer in the importance of law and order, couldn’t agree more.
Pandemic preparedness and the road to international fascism
The World Health Organization's broad definition of health embraces physical, mental and social well-being. Expressed in
its 1946 constitution alongside concepts of community participation and national sovereignty, it reflected an
understanding of a world emerging from centuries of colonialist oppression and the public health industry's shameful
facilitation of fascism. Health policy would be people-centered, closely tied to human rights and self-determination.
The COVID-19 response has demonstrated how these ideals have been undone. Decades of increasing funding within
public-private partnerships have corroded the basis of global public health. The COVID-19 response, intended for a
virus that overwhelmingly targeted the elderly, ignored norms of epidemic management and human rights to institute
a regime of suppression, censorship, and coercion reminiscent of the power systems and governance that were
previously condemned. Without pausing to examine the costs, the public health industry is developing international
instruments and processes that will entrench these destructive practices in international law. Public health, presented as a series of health emergencies, is being used once again to facilitate a fascist approach to societal
The beneficiaries will be the corporations and investors whom the COVID-19 response served well. Human rights and
individual freedom, as under previous fascist regimes, will lose. The public health industry must urgently awaken
to the changing world in which it works, if it is to adopt a role in saving public health rather than contributing
to its degradation.
"Unnatural evolution": indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants
On August 5th 2023 a Japanese research team published a pre-print that appears to contain the most important
and shocking revelations of the covid era.
Atsuki Tanaka and Takayuki Miyazawa, of Osaka Medical University and Kyoto University, wanted to trace the historical
evolution of the omicron variant of SARS-CoV2 by studying viral sequences found "in the wild" and deposited in public
In doing this they found around 100 separate omicron subvariants that could not conceivably have arisen through natural
Raw data for "Unnatural evolutionary processes of SARS-CoV-2 variants and possibility of
deliberate natural selection"
In this study, we aimed to clarify the evolutionary processes leading to the formation of
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, focusing on Omicron variants with many amino acid mutations
in the spike protein among SARS-CoV-2 isolates. To determine the order in which the mutations
leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants, we compared the sequences of
129 Omicron BA.1-related isolates, 141 BA.1.1-related isolates, and 122 BA.2-related isolates,
and tried to dissolve the evolutionary processes of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants,
including the order of mutations leading to the formation of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron
variants and the occurrence of homologous recombination. As a result, we concluded
that the formations of a part of Omicron isolates BA.1, BA.1.1, and BA.2 were not
the products of genome evolution as is commonly observed in nature...
There were no synonymous mutations in the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, or Mu variants,
but only one each in the Lambda and Omicron variants. Among these variants, the Omicron variant
(BA.1 lineage), which shows the greatest accumulation of mutations in the S protein, is primarily
non-synonymous in the S protein and has only one synonymous mutation at c25000u. The
synonymous/non-synonymous ratio is abnormal, given how human coronaviruses have mutated.
Explainer: New, Highly Mutated Lineage Of Virus That Causes Covid
Six cases in four countries have been detected since late July. Scientists are keeping an eye on the new lineage, named BA.2.86, because it has 36 mutations that distinguish it from the currently-dominant XBB.1.5 variant.
‘Death sentence’: FDA slammed for approving Remdesivir to treat COVID patients with kidney problems
Thousands of Americans, possibly hundreds of thousands, have been killed by the Remdesivir Protocol, a nightmarish sequence in which a patient is isolated in the hospital, bullied into taking Remdesivir, ventilated, and then sedated to death.
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