SPACE MISSION 🚀 - OSIRIS REx 👩‍🚀 surrounds a comet with an orbiting web to collect data 👀 4K

1 year ago

NASA's OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) is a spacecraft mission designed to study and collect samples from a near-Earth asteroid called Bennu. The mission was launched on September 8, 2016, with the primary goal of understanding the early solar system and the origins of life on Earth. Here are some key points about the OSIRIS-REx mission:

Asteroid Bennu: OSIRIS-REx was targeted to study and collect samples from asteroid 101955 Bennu, a carbon-rich near-Earth asteroid. Bennu is believed to be a remnant from the early solar system and contains materials that have remained relatively unchanged since that time.

Sample Collection: One of the main objectives of OSIRIS-REx was to collect a sample of regolith (surface material) from Bennu and return it to Earth. The spacecraft employed a robotic arm called TAGSAM (Touch-And-Go Sample Acquisition Mechanism) to gently touch the asteroid's surface and collect material.

Scientific Objectives: The mission aimed to address several scientific questions, including the origins of water and organic molecules in the solar system, the role of asteroids in delivering these materials to Earth, and the potential for asteroid impacts in the future.

Sample Return: After collecting the sample, OSIRIS-REx stored it in a sample return capsule. The spacecraft then began its journey back to Earth, and the sample capsule was released to re-enter Earth's atmosphere and land in a designated recovery area in Utah on September 24, 2023. The collected samples are expected to provide valuable insights into the composition and history of Bennu.

Mapping and Analysis: Prior to sample collection, OSIRIS-REx extensively mapped and analyzed Bennu's surface, characterizing its shape, composition, and other physical properties. This information helped scientists select the optimal site for sample collection.

Educational Outreach: The OSIRIS-REx mission also had an educational component, engaging students and the public in various educational and outreach activities. It aimed to inspire interest in space exploration, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields.

Overall, NASA's OSIRIS-REx mission represents a significant step forward in our understanding of asteroids, their potential impact on Earth, and the formation of our solar system. The collected samples are expected to provide scientists with valuable data for years to come.


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