HRB335 Ayurveda Arthritis 04 Chinese Medicine TCM Rheumatism Sciatica Tibetan Traditional Oriental

1 year ago

HRB335 is an In-Depth Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine Study (Diagnosis and Treatment) of Arthritis and Rheumatism (Ama Vata or Sandhi Gata Vata in Ayurvedic Sanskrit, Bi-Syndrome in TCM), both Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis and Gout along with Osteoporosis, Sciatica (Grudhrasi) and Back Pain (Kati Shula). Comparison - Contrast of Arthritis classical Diagnosis (Assessment), Etiology (Causes), Pathology (Disease Process - Progress) and Treatment (Therapies) in both Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M. or Traditional Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture) and Ayurveda -- both styles Indo-Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu Ayurveda with along with Tibetan Medicine (Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine - T.A.M.).

Course Title is:
"One-Earth Therapeutics - Kaya Chikitsa - Integrated Ayurvedic-Chinese-Western Remedies for Arthritis (Ama Vata - Asthi, Sandhi and Majja Rogani), Gout (Rakta Pitta), Back Ache (Kati Shula) and Sciatica (Grudhrasi) according to 200 B.C. Charaka Samhita- Level I"
Course Codes are: HRB335, HRB535, HRB635, HRB735

These Hi-Def HDTV videos and the MP3 audio files are the first in a 1.5 trimester unit (22.5 class hours long) series of lectures aimed and comparing, contrasting and synthesizing Arthritis Diagnosis and Treatment in both the 2500 year old Chinese Medicine (Zhong Yi or TCM) with the 2500 year old Indian Ayurveda and 1300 year old Tibetan Ayurveda systems (TAM). The goal of this lecture program is to assist the student in seeing and understanding their vast commonalities in both Rheumatism theory (concepts) and practice (clinic) in order to learn integrated practice modalities.

This rarely presented synthesis of the healing wisdom of these three great cultures (China, India and Tibet) will not only compare-contrast the Rheumatism Pain theory of these two time-honored healing systems, but more importantly, will examine in detail the clinical practice aspects of Arthritis treatment -- both herbal connections (Indian, Tibetan and Chinese herbs and minerals) and acupressure (Marmas in Ayurvedic Sanskrit) with acupuncture in the Chinese system.

We examine Arthritis and Rheumatology from the perspective of the Ayurvedic three doshas (Tridosha - Vata-Pitta-Kapha) and look at their relationship to major concepts in Chinese Medicine that are often spoken of by acupuncturists to their patients. Some of these relationship comparisons include:
1. Vata Dosha (Space and Air - Wind, Cold, Qi [Prana in Ayurvedic Sanskrit]),

2. Pitta Dosha (Fire and Water - Spleen Qi [Jathar Agni in Sanskrit], Heat, Damp-Heat, Blood [Rakta Dhatu in Sanskrit], and Yang),

3. Kapha Dosha (Water and Earth - Phlegm-Mucous [Ama in Sanskrit], Damp-Cold, Jing Qi [Ojas in Sanskrit] and Yin).
(Ayurvedic Medicine), HRB335, HRB535, HRB635, HRB735, Arthritis, Rheumatism, Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout, Sciatica, Back Pain, NUT108, NUT301, AYR220, SUT575, TIB401, Tibetan Medicine, Four Medical Tantras, Amrita Hridaya Guhyopadesha Tantra, Amrta Hrdaya Guhyopadesa Tantra, rgyud Bzi, rGyud-bzhi, Vagbhata, Astanga-Hridaya, Bhagwan Dash, Ayurvedic Medicine, Ayurveda, Ayur-Veda, Vedas, Vedic, Tibetan Medicine, Vata Dosha, Pitta Dosha, Kapha Dosha, Nutrition, Ayurvedic Food Therapy, Ayurvedic Nutrition, Ayurvedic Herbs, Vasant Lad, Dr Lad, Charaka, Caraka, Patanjali, Yoga, Sushruta, Nagarjuna, Medicine of Tibet, Tibetan Ayurveda, Asian Medicine, Oriental Medicine, Chinese Medicine, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurved, Ayur-Ved, Herbology, Herbalism, Ayurveda College, College of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic College, California Ayurveda, San Francisco Ayurveda, Medicine Buddha, Bhaisajya Guru, Bhaisajyaguru, Akshobhya, Amitabha, Avalokiteshvara, Guanyin, Chenrezig, Vajrapani, Buddhist Meditation, Vajrayana, Siddham, Hindu, Buddhism, Sanskrit Mantra, Chanting, Highest Yoga Tantra, Tantric Ceremony, Tantra Pujas, Himalayan, Tibetan Buddhism, Chinese Buddhism, Buddhist Sutras, Buddhist Scriptures, Ayurveda MP3, Ayurveda videos, Ayurveda Distance Learning, Ayurvedic Correspondence Course, Vajrayana, Buddhist Chanting Music Mantras, Buddhist Meditation, Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Monk, Medicine Buddha Healing Center, Medicine Buddha Wholistic Ministry, Ayurveda Healing Arts Institute, Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, Zen, Chan, Ch'an, Sitatapatra, Great White Canopy, White Umbrella Deity, Buddhist Goddess, Tara Bodhisattva, Dalai Lama, vipassana, Shurangama, Mantra Meditation, Mahayana, Wisdom, Emptiness, Mantra, Tantra, Yoga, Highest Yoga Tantra, Secret Mantra, Dharani, Buddhist Monk, Nalanda, Nalanda University, Nalanda Monastery, Tse Chen Ling

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