Introduction to Networking | Networking Fundamentals | CCNA Complete Course | Part 1| Fx Tech Planet

1 year ago

In this video we are going to discuss the Introduction to Networking, and this video includes the CCNA Complete Course provided by Fx Tech Planet.

Introduction to Networking | Networking Fundamentals | CCNA Complete Course | Part 1| Fx Tech Planet

Video About Network Fundamentals Part 1: Introduction to Networking

Are You Interested in learning about networking? Fx Tech Planet help you get started.
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I have Created this video for people that are first time starting out in networking. You just need to bring is interest and enthusiasm.

My goal about network Fundamental Series is to help anyone wanting to get into the IT field learn more about Networking.

We will introduce you to the terminology used in the field and help you understand what it means. For instance, have you heard of protocols? We’re going to see what these are, and use the #Ethernet protocol as an example.

In Part 1 we'll also look at what a network actually is, and continue by seeing how devices are connected. Have you ever connected a device over Wi-Fi or plugged in Network Cables to a computer? Delve behind the scenes and find out how this works.

Stay tuned for part 2 where we'll go deeper into cabling, and learn the basics of addressing.

Thank you for watching Network Fundamentals Part 1: Introduction to Networking

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