Created Jun 2022 (Just A Powerful Conversation) Thought I Should Share.

1 year ago

Link [The Prayer to Salvation] Page 01

1611 Edition (King James Version) of the Holy Scriptures | SCRIPTURES FOR SALVATION and, they are as follows:

Luke 19: 10
John 1: 12
John 3: 3
John 3: 16
John 8: 32
John 10: 9 – 10
John 14: 6
Acts 16: 31
Romans 3: 23 – 24
Romans 5: 8
Romans 6: 23
Romans 10: 9 – 10
Ephesians 2: 8 – 9
Hebrews 2: 3
Hebrews 12: 2
1 John 1: 9
1 John 5: 11 – 12
Revelation 3: 20

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