One week weight loss challenge

1 year ago

Here is a recipe for a Fat Cutter Drink that you can try every night before bed. This drink is said to help you lose weight and burn belly fat. Here are the ingredients and instructions:
1 cucumber
1 lemon
1 tablespoon grated ginger
A bunch of parsley
1/2 cup of water

Blend all the ingredients together until they take the consistency of juice.
Drink this concoction every night before bed.
Cucumber contains zero fat and is low in calories. It is also known to battle bloating due to its high fiber content. On the other hand, parsley can be used for much more than just garnishing your pasta. Being a natural diuretic, it helps in fighting water weight and water retention. It is also packed with vitamins A, B, C and K, making it an ideal addition to your nighttime drink. Adding a dash of lemon to your drink not only enhances the taste but also keeps your gut healthy by getting the digestive system up and running. Ginger is known to keep stomach issues at bay and helps in improving digestion

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