Paradise Fire November 8, 2018 Day 1 of the Fire

1 year ago

Paul Preston of Agenda 21 Radio gives this report of the first day of the infamous Paradise fire that may have killed more than 3,000 people. Paul spent 28 days in Paradise researching and exploring the cause of the fire with many from the New California State movement which set up a relief center at the Walmart in Chico, CA. New California joined hundreds of citizen volunteers to provide cloths, money and the essentials for daily survival. The state of California provided NO HELP for the survivors of the fire. People drove as far away as Texas and Los Angeles to donate to the New California State relief center. All donations of cash came from private businesses and citizens who wanted to help. The survivors were treated like dirt by California officials and FEMA. There was no help or movement until President Trump and Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinkie flew into assess the damage. Both met with outgoing Governor Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom.

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