8/21/23 Why Does God Allow Suffering? "The Road to Perdition" part 1 S3E3p1

1 year ago

“Why Does God Allow Suffering?”
This week on Something’s Happening Here, we’re mostly looking to the Bible for answers about one particular topic: suffering. In our flashy, modern world it can be easy to forget that suffering is all around us, and in some ways more intensely now than ever before; but it is there. And real men, women, and children suffer every day, often in silence. Suffering has long posed a problem for believers in a loving God, because why would such a God allow evil in the first place, and why would He permit it to continue as it does? This is a deep and rich subject, and it’s playing out all across the headlines constantly, so we’re going to give it the time and respect it deserves on this week’s show. I’m Steve Hicks, Director of Podcast Ministries for Talking Donkey International, and I invite you to grab your Bibles and put on your prophecy hats all week long.

"The Road to Perdition" Part 1: 8/21/23
Our third episode in Season Three focuses on one subject all week: suffering. Why does it exist at all, why does God not stop or destroy it, and what does it mean for believers, and for the world?

Season 3 Episode 3
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