'The Secret Life Of Headless James Foley - His Secret Life and the CIA' - 2014

1 year ago

Published on Aug 21, 2014

"James Foley was a key propagandist in sparking the U.S. air invasion of Libya, in 2011. The proof is here. Believe it or not, it was through his kidnapping then ALSO... part of it spent on a posh resort island! Just about a year after his 'release' from that, he's kidnapped AGAIN! This time, he's calling us to attack Assad... apparently.

There seems to be plenty of evidence, that we have NOT been told the truth about Foley's life at all - AND, perhaps not surprisingly, that he works for the CIA... under "press" cover. Does he have a second, secret life that is udeful for these warmongering exercises?


The Corporate Media skunked AGAIN. Or are they the skunks? The 'beheading of James Foley, 'reporter', revealed for what it really is - another cheezy propaganda FAKE meant to somehow justify a new mindless war against Syria. AGAIN!



Confirmation - "Chemical Attack" in Syria was FAKE - YouTube

Fake Syria Gas Attack - the Kerry and Boston Bombing Connection

Look BEFORE You Bomb Syria is Not Our Enemy! - YouTube


More on control through staged and fake violence:



Fake death industry -





James Foley, James W. James Wright Foley, Foley, military, execution, beheading, syria, afghanistan, ISIS, ISIL, fake death, oklahoma city, Waco, Ferguson, Saint Louis, Michael Brown, Mike Brown, Riots, Missouri, Cops, McSpadden, Louis Head, SWAT, Agitprop, Isla Vista, Weihan Wang, James Hong, Sierra Swartz, Chris Martinez, Vicki Weaver, Richard Martinez, Santa Barbara, Elliott Rodger, Peter Rodger, George Chen, Katie Cooper, Veronika Weiss, Christopher Martinez, Columbine, Massacre, Cheng Santa Barbara, Hong, CIA, agent, propaganda, Klebold, Harris, Victims fund, Steven Curnow, William Sanders, Matt Kechter, Virginia Tech, mass shooting, rampage, anniversary, Sorority, fund, scholarship, My Twisted World, Megan Carloto, UCSB students, marketing, sex, BATF, Goleta, demand a plan, gun laws, gun control, history, BMW, UCSB, Nick Pasichuke, Bianca de Kock, Keith Cheung, Joker Las Vegas, Hoax, Fake News, PATCON, psyop, mighty wurlitzer, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, 2014, 2016, PATCON, conspiracy, Alex Jones, standoff, documentary, sniper, killed, Eric Holder, records

James Foley; James W. Foley; James Wright Foley; Foley; military; execution; beheading; Ferguson; Saint Louis; Michael Brown; Mike Brown; Riots; Missouri; Cops; McSpadden; Louis Head; Isla Vista; Veronika Weiss; Chris Martinez; Richard Martinez; Santa Barbara; Elliott Rodger; Peter Rodger; George Chen; Weihan Wang; Katie Cooper; James Hong; Veronika Weiss; Christopher Martinez; Columbine; Columbine High School; Columbine Massacre; Klebold; Harris; Cassie Bernall; William Sanders; Steven Curnow; Matt Kechter; Virginia Tech; mass shooting; Cho; anniversary; Fort Hood Shooting; Gabrielle Giffords; Tuscon shooting; Wade Page; Loughner; Jared Loughner; Karl Pierson; Arapahoe; truck bomb; IED; Sikh; Sikh Temple; Soumaya Akaaboune; Arapahoe school; SWAT; second amendment; lockdown; crisis actors; staged; school shooting; Homeland Security; victims; DHS; Stockton; Stockton School Shooting; Hoax; Patrick Purdy; Sandy Hook; Timothy Owens; Carlos Lazaney; Daniel Ferguson; mass shooting; shooting hoax; witnesses; eyewitness; false flag; testimony; drill; Navy Yard Shooting; staged; gun control; AR-15; Michael Arnold; Tracy Murphy; Claire Davis; handgun; shotgun; Barack Obama; white house; Giffords; Safeway shooting; navy; Alexis; Mary Knight; attack; bombing; false flag; EMC; John Kerry; government; Christian Williams; police; death records; charity; public relations; PR; government sponsored; ihop; mihop; operation gladio; sandy hook; batman massacre; investigation; controlled explosion; terror; reality check; fear; staged terror attacks; constitution; privacy; bill of rights; Jared Lee Loughner; oligarchs; media; media coverage; programming; psyop; patcon; history; Barack Obama; David Yepez; stooge; patsy; Sarah Girouard; shadow government;"

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