Ep 71 N8 Friday 18th Aug 23 Get Your Vax On

1 year ago

Number 8 Advocates are definitely multi talented and tonight we get to see the launch of Erika's new cartoon series "Get Your Vax On!"
OMG talk about laugh! Awesome work Erika. Humour is such a great way to change mind set in such a powerful way

These will be posted in the union fb and on the website in the coming days
Liz also takes us through new plans for the union, collective agreements, personal grievances, workgroups, Declarations from the Courts for meanings of Employment Relations Act section 9 - prohibition on preference and 63 - Terms and conditions of employment of employee who is not member of union after expiry of 30-day period

Also - The HSWA came about from the deaths of 29 men at Pike River - It did not come about from unions being in bed with the govt - Workers never get improved benefits from that situation - It doesn't matter which "party" is in.
The unions got caught with the C19 scam. Their bedfellows had plans to do workers wrong and the unions are so far gone, they never pushed back in any way that we have seen.

Their moto is more like Pay Your Fees, Get The Jab, Wear a Mask, STFU and be a Good Slave!
Treasonous behaviour we recon. Workers are the losers here while corrupt unions line the govt coffers and join the promotion of own nothing and be happy

Union Bribes - The unions are now in overdrive trying to get people into their fold for the most likely reason of being under state control. They offering benefits in the form of payouts that non-members will not get - This is unlawful coercion and discrimination.

There is heaps more great watching here you wont want to miss!


01:31 Liz: N8 update on cases and mediation – Dr Alison Goodwin’s case – Sue Grey’s case, recommended reading

06:00 Liz: Erika’s cartoon humour, Get Your Vax On Nurse Sacked for FB Posts – ROFL – View the live links on the Cartoon pdfs https://number8.org.nz/resources/get-your-vax-on-cartoons/

15:12 Liz: Cartoon NZDSOS “Our own government was advised and aware that there was no evidence…” – Find the OIA-99943 pdf link

17:44 Liz: Cartoon, RAT test – BAHAHAHA – Cartoon OSHA

22:02 Liz: Cartoon, Lawyer & freedom of speech (Sue Grey) – lol

24:11 Liz: State unions that run a political agenda – N8 members & collective agreement– Sword (PG’s) and shield (more wages) functions of the union – Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 codified out of case decisions – Relevance to the Pike River mine disaster

29:02 Liz: N8 actions to be taken re: Section 9 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Prohibition on preference – Section 63 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Terms and conditions of employment of employee who is not member of union after expiry of 30-day period– Section 54 Public Services Act 2020 - Duty to act independently in employment matters – Declaration in court?

32:24 Liz: Exciting N8 developments – N8 new rule for PG – Building case law and precedents – Declarations from the court about non preference situation and advertising jobs with a jab policy - OIA re number of section 199 notifications & response – Section 199 Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 - Requirement of medical officer of health to notify regulator of work-related notifiable disease or hazardous substances injury – Acknowledgement, no further action taken – There were no notifications of work-related notifiable disease from 2019 to present day – Schedule 1, Part 1, Health Act 1956 – infectious diseases notifiable to medical officer of health – Get the declaration

38:32 Open chat: Geoff discusses private prosecutions, public liability policies and personal injuries, Justice Kós – Section 1 of the Bill of Rights 1688 consists of “articles”, finding decisions online – Liz: finding court decisions – Canaday and Shelton cases being used for current argument – Geoff: Civil settlements Liz: Lord Acton maxim “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

46:57 Liz: Reminder of a legal maxim from a previous zoom; A senior English judge, Sir John Laws, stated the principles as: "For the individual citizen, everything which is not forbidden is allowed; but for public bodies, and notably government, everything which is not allowed is forbidden." – Relevance to why Liz says to look at the sections in the statutes – There’s no legal hooks for them to hang on as their actions have not been written in the law – From the first French Constitution of 1789 declaration of Human and Civil Rights “Nothing that is not forbidden by Law may be hindered, and no one may be compelled to do what the Law does not order.” – Relevance to the PM’s daily broadcast shows and employer mandates

53:41 Liz: Open chat and movies

01:11:27 Liz & Aliscia: WorkSafe now investigating all reports of bullying and harassment – Bullying reports from 2019 to present day – Workplace bullying

Content links:

A Good Win For Dr Alison Goodwin Against the Medical Council of New Zealand - August 14, 2023

Sue Grey’s case

National Federation of Independent Business v. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 595 U.S. ___ (2022)

Zoom: 20230201(W) Pike River & Aberfan Govt actions before & after - Parallels to handling of Injection - Regulatory Capture

Section 9 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Prohibition on preference

Section 63 Employment Relations Act 2000 - Terms and conditions of employment of employee who is not member of union after expiry of 30-day period

Section 54 Public Services Act 2020 - Duty to act independently in employment matters

Official Information Act (OIA) request 'How many Notifications of Covid-19 were received by WorkSafe'.

Schedule 1, Part 1, Health Act 1956 – infectious diseases notifiable to medical officer of health

Bill of Rights 1688

How to find a court or tribunal decision

Court or Tribunal Decisions Online

Search for Judgements

Canaday v Medical Council of New Zealand [2022] NZDC 4436 - Published 26 June 2023

Shelton v Medical Council of New Zealand [2022] NZDC 4582

Legal maxim - Everything which is not forbidden is allowed

Lord Acton Quote Archive
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”

From the chat
From Geoff:
1)Police pay $800,000 after threats of legal action 18 Mar, 2002 12:42 AM4 mins to read
https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/police-pay-800000-after-threats-of-legal-action/JYVJNAEDC3WJGF3NSC3L56IK7Y / 2)Police facing lawsuits totalling $45m. The police face lawsuits seeking $45 million despite resolving others totalling nearly twice that in the past five years. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/police-facing-lawsuits-totalling-45m/3NYM722ICWARP56NDEA7YDLM5M/

Kos, Justice Stephen --- "Constitutional collision: Fitzgerald v Muldoon v Wild" [2014] OtaLawRw 3; (2014) 13 Otago LR 243


Interesting case to read - WorkSafe New Zealand v Rayner [2022] NZDC 7870 – Challenges Jurisdiction and more

Bill of Rights 1689 Wikipedia

The Bill of Rights 1689 - House of Commons Library - Research Briefing

Royal Assent - House of Commons Library - Research Briefing

Documenting a Democracy - Royal Style and Titles Act 1973 (Cth)

Maxim - a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct

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