Build Back Better Plan Or Better The Devil You Know Than The Devil You Don't ???

1 year ago

Michael Moore Documentary:

Gravitas On Clean Cloths:

Australian Prime Minister:

Robin's Comment:
Lets see with a personal infused example! Going green? There is also going neutral. Of-course this means the current way is dirty.
What about consumer choice? I chose electric powered products, pneumatic powered products, and gas powered products. I had some electronic yard equipment and they lasted 2 winters then died. Those devices went to the landfill.
Now, I live on a street and every house on the street has a lawn mower. Any any one time at most 3 neighbors are using their mowers.
Why do we all need mowers? Why cant we share. That would be most green. Sharing will happen. If a neighbor asks then he will be given. But neighbors buy than ask.
More and more electricity will produce more EMF radiation and hence cancers and the other ills. Electricity is produced by many means including oil and coal. Wind turbines cannot be located anywhere and they have large environment impact. Wind is unreliable. Solar is unreliable. Electric components tend to have wireless controls which have their own issues.
My fridge is adjusted by the utility when demand for energy is high. Damn!
To make electrical components a lot of minerals are needed. More minerals than the typical combustion engine vehicle. To get these minerals there is a lot more mining than is needed and that is a lot of damage.
The point is that any approach is going to take a toll on the earth. Pay now or pay later.

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