Donald Trump - Converted to Illuminati Judaism in 2017

1 year ago

To convert to Judaism you must deny Christ. You can't become a citizen of Israel unless you deny Christ.

Those professing Judaism base their Law on the Babylonian Talmud. Not the Word of God.

All those that believe Christ is the only begotten son of God worship a false idol and are worthy of death.

This is not the teaching of the salvation of God.

Trump is a Jesuit, Freemason, Zionist fake Jew, Jeffrey Epstein compadre, that is the confirmer of the covenant with many nations prophesied in the book of Daniel, that also proudly calls himself the father of the covid vaccine abomination and is so proud of himself for his Warp Speed clot/kill shots.

A Jew follows torah and the law (10 commandments) YHWH gave to Moses on Mt. Sinai.

Fake Jews follow Talmud and are kabbalists, they do not follow God's law given to Moses and they bow to Molech and Baal because they are the spawn of Satan.

Yeshua Jesus Christ described them so we would see the difference. They CALL themselves Jews, but they are not Jews. They belong to the synagogue of Satan, and do not know the Father or follow His law.

Trump was a RCC Jesuit, mentored by 33rd degree mason Vincent Peale and brought into the Freemasons, and "converted" to a fake Jew in 2017.

He is still bowing to the same false god he always did, and deceiving more than he ever did before.

He is a MASTER at deceiving the masses.

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