The Secret History of the British Empire. A Mega Documentary

The Secret History of the British Empire. A Mega Documentary

1 year ago

The Secret History of the British Empire. A Mega Documentary

The Secret History of the British Empire. A Mega Documentary
Posted October 14th, 2022
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately this documentary is not what I was expecting when I posted it.
I do not agree with many of the conclusions drawn by this documentary.
Though it does have many good bits of information, I would by no means regard this as an accurate or authoritative source.
Some of the most important parts have been missed altogether.
Though Freemasonry is in fact closely integrated into the structure of the British Empires System of Global Domination, it is not the Leading System of Control, but merely a supporting one.
Part 3 on Freemasons and the Founding of America has some serious problems with the conclusions. Lol. For a documentary that claims to vilify the British Empire, it seems far too much appoligetic and blamed everything on the Freemasons. Ha. Yeah, No. There was far, far more actually going on than what this documentary would have you believe. And the Jewish Banksters and the Jesuits played a far larger role than the Masons. And to imply that the Freemasons Leading America wanted to destroy itself is preposterous.
Though the majority of those who represent the True Power that was behind the British Empire were indeed to the greater extent Freemasons, they belonged to far more powerful Secret Societies and Organizations as well.
In Part 5, the age of Stonehenge is almost certainly much older than stated. And the research of Michael Tsarion has proven the religious beliefs of the Druids is far old and was not decided from Eastern Mysticism, but actually influenced their creation.
This also completely overlooked the historical origins of the Rosicrucians through Christian Rosenkreuz who did study in the Eastern Mystery Schools.

It appears the founding influences behind the Creation of the Freemasons has been missed. Namely, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucians, (Greatly Influenced by Jewish Babylonian Radhanite Merchants and Bankers who were practicing Kabbalists).
Far too many conclusions are drawn with far too many missing pieces.
Also, the True Power Flowed from the Wealth Created through the likes of the British East India Trading Company, South African Gold and Diamond Mines led by the Rothschild's, Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes. It is this Cabal that took over the Queen's Privy Council.
That led to the Society of the Elect, which became the Cecil Rhodes Round Tables, then the Royal Society of International Affairs and the British American Pilgrims Society.
Also those who belonged to the Knighthoods were the True Power base. And yes, most were most certainly Freemason.
The European Royals, the Black Nobility, The Vatican and the Knights of Malta are also missing from this equation.
Also, it is apparent that this maker is a Nazi Sympathizer. Though Britain was most certainly to blame for WW1 and WW2 (And Just About Every War) Hitler and the Nazis just as guilty in committing evil attributes.
I have only watched the beginning, (Lol , it is a long one) so I cannot comment further.
That being said, this documentary appears to be correct in the facts presented. It is well made and has one hell of a lot of great information. Just keep in mind that there is a lot more that completes this picture that is missing. Enjoy...
Part 1: The Freemasonic Takeover of England – 4:21
Part 2: The Freemasonic French Revolution – 16:56
Part 3: The Unexpected Connection – 31:38
Part 4: The Irish Slave Trade – 46:21
Part 5: The Freemasonic - Luciferian Religion – 61:20
Part 6: The Committee of 300 – 75:40
Part 7: The Knights of The Golden Circle Part 1 – 90:00
Part 8: The Knights of The Golden Circle Part 2 – 104:05
Part 9: The Hellfire Club – 118:30
Part 10: The Mystery of The Spanish Armada – 132:38
Part 11: Drugging China – 145:51
Part 12: Manly P Hall: Mankind's Most Transparent Freemason – 161:12
Part 13: Sacrifice & Skulls – 176:20
Part 14: The Collapse of Christianity – 195:10
Part 15: Secrets From World War I – 210:50
Part 16: Adrenochrome & Freemasonry – 226:40
Part 17: The Torture of India – 243:32
Part 18: The Myth of "Christian" England – 259:40
Part 19: The Plandemic – 274:45
Part 20: Anglo Supremacy – 290:40
Part 21: The End – 307:00
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