Discussion 13 - Trust

1 year ago

"Cui bonio?" - Cicero

The path that got us to the present has two distinct branches before us: one leads to continued centralization and a rising federal monopoly, while the other offers a return to decentralization and individual liberty.

The path towards greater centralization is the one we've been walking down since at least the 1930s and is based on the assumption that government will solve all problems. This has been disproven by the historical record (both ancient and modern).

The second path leads to decentralization, and was the original vision of America; a vision that's been eroded, to deferring depths, over time, by the federal leviathan. This path has the potential to succeed but requires proactive participation from the nodes of the network (e.g.you, the person reading this).

Our final discussion focuses on Trust and the role it plays in well-functioning markets, why it has been deliberately attacked through most of the leading institutions in modern America, and who that outcome benefits the most.

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