Epic ski fail with equally epic recovery!

7 years ago

Ah, overconfidence. How grateful we are for all the fail videos that your overflow has provided us with.

From the silly dogs and cats doing incredibly stupid things around their owners, to those athletic enthusiasts who fish for their 5 minutes of Internet glory, we can never have too many fail videos here on Rumble.com! We've seen them all, the overenthusiastic jumpers, the unprepared jumpers, the “will do anything for the sake of people's fun” types... They all ended without a serious injury, thankfully, although we can't be sure if an injured vanity counts as such.

People all year long perform all sorts of crazy stunts that not so seldom turn into the best fails. This guy wanted to use what was left of the powder on the ski slopes, so he decided to do some jumps off a ramp. Now, it looks like there's plenty of snow for some innocent extreme fun.

Dude's gliding down the hill and goes for the ramp. But what he doesn't know is that the snow is no longer stiff to hold him as he jumps, so it gives under the pressure and sends the guy flying in a cloud of frozen powder.

If you are cringey you might want to turn away at that point, because it looks like it will end nasty, but for who knows for what reason the guy manages to shake his skis off and come up on his two feet for a celebratory dance! It must have been a lucky star or something!

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