The MAN MADE ONGOING disaster of Child Abuse warning BEFORE Lahaina Fires

1 year ago

Catherine Watters of the Family Industrial Complex on One who has been speaking out on the MAN MADE disaster of CHILD ABUSE, the ABUSIVE, DYSFUNCTIONAL "FAMILY" AND "Community" for 5 DECADES!
The Abusive "Family", child abuse has BEEN the Micro of what's been happening since! Those in "power", the "Officials" are ABUSERS! PERIOD! Deliberately! Not by "Accident", they're NOT "imperfect", it wasn't "unintentional", etc.
EVERYTHING that's happened in Lahaina AND in Parkersberg VA decades before that and the Flint water Crisis about 10 years earlier, September 11th over 20 years ago, Jeffrey Epstein, the DEATH JAB,, I mean shall I go on??
WHAT DO WE NEED "OFFICIALS" FOR? People NEED to understand the way this system is set up is AGAINST NATURE!
If I needed to Grow Up and Take Responsibility in the 70s as a CHILD/TEEN because the "Leaders" were Abusers who NEVER acknowledged it, NEVER apologized, NEVER changed and the victim was NEVER recovered, NEVER EVEN SEEN AS A VICTIM, only ABUSED MORE and Criminalized for exposing the "Officials".
WHY Hasn't anyone Been Outraged and STOPPED the PERPETUATING Child ABuse and Sacrifice that's been ONGOING for DECADES? The you act Surprised when the USrael Death, PEDO, Corp, Satanic Gov attacks you! ANd you expect them to Respond? Accordingly? NO ONE HELPED ME IN MY WHOLE LIFE! Child abuse, the break down of the "Family" should have been seen for the Traumatic DISASTER, MAN MADE DISASTER that it WAS, and Instead ALL people did was try to sweep it under the rug and minimize it!
There;s NO $$ in Recovery and helping! LET THIS SINK IN,, NO ONE EVER HELPED ME SINCE 1970! When I sought refuge, support, a mentor as a child/teen from living in ABUSE! FF to this DAY.
Look at the Abysmal Track record of the US Corp GOV. WAR IS WHAT IT DOES.
For give me for ranting
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