Maui Wildfire: Elite Land Grabbing

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The more social media and the mainstream media continuously trying to push a culture down our throats while at the same time throwing our previous cultures out to pasture.

-Dax - The Abyss
-Security video appears to show what triggered deadly Maui fire
-Why Maui Chief did not activate sirens during wildfire: ‘We would not have saved those people’
-Hawaii Water Official Who Allegedly REFUSED To Release Water Resources To Let Landowners Fight Fire
-Why is the Government Ignoring Hawaii While Helping Ukraine?

#usarmyveteran #thefinders #retired #freethinker #georgeorwell #2plus2equals5 #1984 #distopia #bigbrotherisalwayswatching #hawaii #maui #Oprah #coverups #lies #barrackobama #wildfire #landgrab

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