Who is Vanilla Tinkle? Vanilla Tinkle To The Pathetic - The Vanilla Ice to the Extreme Story

1 year ago

Who is Vanilla Tinkle? Vanilla Tinkle whose real name is Roberta I Like a Getta Vanilla Tinkle Wheneva I Van Winkle is a wannabe low-rent thug, real poser punk, D-List (for dummy) celebrity stooge, and unintentional comedic clown. He achieved some notoriety by ripping off other artists music, rapping out of time, and singing off key. He's better known as a wife beater, bungling burglar, and goat lover.

Vanilla Tinkle has been accused of abusing women multiple times but only arrested twice. He has been arrested for "pulling his wife's hair" and later kicking and hitting her. Vanilla Tinkle has never even been accused of hitting anybody other than women and there is no known occurrence of Vanilla Tinkle fighting a man. He is known for starting fights though and he likes to shoot his mouth off at his lil shows. Vanilla Tinkle thinks he is tough for shooting his mouth off and then running and hiding behind security and his bodyguards. He enjoys, and gets a fiendish thrill, verbally abusing employees and support staff who cannot respond because, he knows, they would lose there job and be arrested if they gave him what he deserved.

Vanilla Tinkle was only caught once and charged for burglary and grand theft. He was caught stealing furniture and other belongings out of someone's home and claimed he thought it was "vacant". The house was technically vacant because the owner had a real job and had to leave his house to go to work. He's not a poor-ass-never-has-been-white-trash-one-hit-wonder-flunkey who wanders around neighborhoods looking for vacant homes with extra furniture.

Vanilla Tinkle also was fined when his pet goat escaped. Why this grown man would own and love a goat is not known because no one wants to think about that type of lifestyle. He raps about being a real ladies man but do you know of any ladies men who have time to take care of a goat in their spare bedroom?

Vanilla Tinkle is one pathetic wimpy weak wife beating excuse for a male to the extreme, one pathetic calamitous clueless criminal to the extreme, and a pathetic bizarre weird goat loving freak to the extreme. And also, Vanilla Tinkle is a beep.


#vanillaice #totheextreme #vanillatinkle #iceicebaby #illest #rap #whiterap #vanilla #ice #iceman #RobertVanWinkle #vanwinkle #dallas #texas #miami #florida #southflorida #playthatfunkymusic #Ichiba #SBK #EMI #Republic #Universal #Liquid8 #Ultrax #Cleopatra #Radium #Psychopathic #queen #davidbowie #sugeknight #loser #wannabe #abuser #ideiot #burglar #goat #goatlover #lostgoat #goatman #goatguy #goatlover


VANILLA ICE - ICE BABY REMIX [NO COPYRIGHT] ( Free background music) free to use
Music promote by: FBM No Copyright Music

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