The Zombie Apocalypse is Upon Us

1 year ago

Also known as the: Comedy of Clueless Clowns.

Awaiting their next command, the Zombies watch Netflix, steroid-based college football, Tik Tok videos and PORN.

5G weaponry, FEMA camps, the fencing of our elementary and high schools matters not.

Face Diapers, REAL ID, palm scans, QR Codes, Medical Coded Paint-by-Numbers financial incentive-based healthcare, Federal Pharmacy Federal Funded JABS!

Chem Trail Denial. Belief in frauds like Fauci and the CDC and WHO and Wall Street.

Fifteen-minute cities, ZERO Carbon Footprint Mantra, Techno-enslavement systems.

A Suicide Cult has been formed. It is a Universal World Religion. Jonestown on steroids.

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