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1 year ago

How did Bernie Sanders Know which States would Stop Counting 10 Days Before the 2020 Election?

“He’s (Trump) winning in Pennsylvania, he’s winning in Wisconsin and he gets on the Television & he says “Thank You Americans for re-electing me, it’s all over.”

But then the next day and the day following, all of those mail in ballots start getting counted and it turns out that Biden has won those states.

At which point, Trump says..”SEE, I told you the whole thing was fraudulent. I told you those mail-in ballots were crooked!”

How did Bernie know, 10 days prior to the election the key states that possibly needed to stop counting?

What he did, he projected something into the future where we think, “I guess since Bernie said it ahead of time, it’s plausible”…

That’s a trick that the election cartel likes to pull out… they like to tell you that Democrats prefer to vote by mail.”
That’s false.

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