1 year ago


'There will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth dismay among nations, in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.' Luke 21:25-26

..and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.' " Luke 21:11

" 'You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end
- Matthew 24:6

-flooding the streets.
-The end is only the beginning.
-Humanity is being tested; being forced now to make decisions.
-Truths will be revealed.
-It is time to unite.
-Hear the calling.

Stand up with all your might and take flight. You each serve a purpose no matter how big or small.
Each of you matter. We are ONE, ONE with all!

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