'DO NOT GET FLU VACCINATION SHOTS! - Full Out Attack By Our OWN Government' - 2013

1 year ago

Published on Jan 19, 2013

"You have been warned! IN-DEPTH expose will chill you to the bone. We're not joking. We are are under a full out attack by our own government and medical profession.

By now you've probably -heard- a story of a family who has had there children TAKEN AWAY FROM THEM by the State, in order to inject them with murderous poison vaccines.

At least 800 children, it turns out, many of whom live in Sweden, now have narcolepsy because of the Pandemrix vaccine, and some government officials are demanding answers. http://www.naturalnews.com/039116_chi...

(If you haven't heard these MANY stories... WAKE UP!! It could happen to you!)"

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