Post #12 - The Tall Tree That Fell Dream (*see description*)

1 year ago

The primary scriptures confirming the message are:
Isaiah 43:19
Joel 2:23
Luke 5:37-39

And to clarify and confirm: the Lord quickened to me that this dream from May 20/22 was related to a later journal entry on June 28/22, which contained three scripture passages:
Jeremiah chapters 12&13
Psalm 127:1
Psalm 128

Last but not least, in the video I *completely* neglected to mention a *major* detail (sorry LOL 😂): the presence of myself and my son Elijah.

I believe there are several important things to note:
A) my presence represents those aren't swept away(although I came close!) because they *have* a healthy fear of the Lord AND walk in the Spirit, therefore they 'bear fruit' (represented my son)
B) the fact my son's name actually is *Elijah* carries a second meaning: that those who both operate in the Spirit with a healthy Fear of the Lord, ARE ALSO operating in the Spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17).
C) and even THESE mighty servants of God must be careful not to be swept away by the waters of the latter rain.

Wow. May the Lord bless this message to the hearts those to whom it's intended.

Always test the spirit behind every prophetic message by seeking confirmation from the Lord in the Spirit and in Truth(the Word).

Brad Gustafson
YouTube & Instagram: @bradgustafson77
Facebook: Brad Gustafson (@brad.gustafson.0)

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