General George Patton – His Life and Legacy

1 year ago

Holocaust Reading List
*American Pravda Holocaust Denial Ron Unz
*Debating Holocaust New Look at Both Sides
*Did Six Million Really Die Richard E Harwood
*Dissecting the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf
*First Holocaust Origin Don Heddesheimer
*The Hoax Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz
*Holocaust Handbook Series Germar Rudolf
*Holocaust Hoax Exposed by Victor Thorn
*The Holocaust Industry Norman Finkelstein
*Holocaust Victims Accuse Moshe Shonfeld
*IBM and the Holocaust by Edwin Black
*Ireland 1845-1850 Perfect Holocaust Fogarty
*The Leuchter Reports: Critical Edition
*The Secret Holocaust Eustace Mullins
*Six Million Fact or Fiction by Peter Winter
*Trotsky’s White Negroes Censored
*Unmasking Angel of Death David G Marwell

Military/Soldier/War Reading List
*Apocalypse 1945: Destruction Dresden
*Atomic Bomb Secrets David J Dionisi
*The Bad War Truth Never Taught
*The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
*Churchill, Hitler Unnecessary War
*Conduct Unbecoming Gays Lesbians
*Clash Civilizations Remaking World
*Day of Deceit Truth About FDR
*Devil's Game United States Helped
*Enough Already Time End War on
*Final Secret of Pearl Harbor Theobald
*Gruesome Harvest Costly Attempt
*Hitler's War by David Irving
*Jewish War Flavius Josephus
*Military Mind Control Story Trauma
*Military Necessity Homosexuality
*Neo-Conned Just War Principles
*Our Bodies Their Battlefields War
*Swords into Plowshares Ron Paul
*Vaccine A Covert Government
*War is a Racket by Smedley Butler
*The War on Terror The Plot to Rule
*What Soldiers Do Sex and the GI

Buchenwald Dumb Portrayal (2:21:03):

General Patton Life Legacy (1:41:25):

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