Surah fajr

1 year ago

Surah Fajr is the 89th chapter of the Quran, and it consists of 30 verses. It was revealed in Makkah and is named after the word "Fajr," which means "dawn" or "daybreak." This surah discusses the destruction of the people of 'Ad, who were a powerful ancient civilization.<br />
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Here is a brief description of verses 21 to 30 of Surah Fajr:<br />
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Verse 21: This verse talks about how Allah destroyed the people of 'Ad by a severe punishment, a strong wind that overtook them for seven nights and eight days. It left nothing but ruins.<br />
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Verse 22-23: These verses highlight the arrogance and transgressions of the people of 'Ad. They had been blessed with many provisions and resources, but they turned away from the teachings of Allah and became corrupt in their ways.<br />
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Verse 24-25: In these verses, Allah reminds people of the consequences of their actions. The people of 'Ad had been warned by Prophet Hud, but they rejected his message and persisted in their disbelief and wrongdoing. As a result, they were punished severely.<br />
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Verse 26-27: These verses emphasize the principle of retribution. Allah destroyed the people of 'Ad, but it was not an unjust punishment. They had brought it upon themselves by their arrogance, disobedience, and rejection of the truth.<br />
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Verse 28: This verse serves as a reminder to future generations that the destruction of the people of 'Ad is a lesson for those who come after them. It warns against arrogance, disobedience, and turning away from Allah's guidance.<br />
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Verse 29-30: These verses state that on the Day of Judgment, the righteous will be rewarded with paradise and bliss, while the wrongdoers will face punishment and regret for their actions.<br />
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Overall, these verses highlight the consequences of arrogance, disobedience, and rejecting the guidance of Allah. They serve as a reminder to reflect on the fate of past nations and to strive for righteousness in order to attain success in this life and the hereafter.

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