Timing of the Rapture (end of the world part 1 section 4)

1 year ago

The timing of the "rapture" or the miraculous gathering of believers to Jesus is a controversial subject. This is a long (2 hr) video because there is a need to fully establish each point that I found clearly. My goal in this study was to establish when the rapture or gathering of the church occurs: is it before, during, or after the last 7 years of Earth history predicted in the Bible in Daniel 9? My goal is to do this without changing the order of future events as they are presented in Bible books and Bible passages. When I started this study I did not care what view was accurate. I simply wanted to create a view that reflects the relevant Bible passages without changing the order of events or the plain meaning of what they say. Let me know if I missed anything and I'll try to keep up with the questions below. I hope this clears things up for many people and challenges many others to take another look at the passages involved.

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