Vowing Problems With, Biblical Counseling

1 year ago

When a person determines something in their heart by what they say, it becomes binding. It is only one factor perhaps of several others, which form the root of a problem. For example, a young girl is badly mistreated by her brother and in her heart she states firmly, "I will never have a boy when I grow up and have children." The girl grows up and although medically able to bare children, she is without child in marriage. Another example: a young boy is scolded by his mother every time be tells her the truth, so he says in his heart, "whatever I say or do, can and will be used against me." Later, as a married man, he has great difficulty opening up or communicating intimately with his spouse. Many other examples could be stated. A young girl sexually molested may say, "I will never trust a man." As a woman, she has great difficulty with the sexual part of marriage, being frigid and cold.

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