Adorable Cat Sings Along To Owner Playing Guitar

7 years ago

Well, this is the greatest rendition we’ve ever heard. Darren plays Wild Things by The Troggs on his guitar with his cat Money as the lead vocals. Money won't let Darren record a song without trying to get in on the act. She manages to intervene in just the right moments to make this performance unforgettable.

They seem to be a killer duo if you ask us. Money meows at every pause of the guitar. She is such a natural talent, it’s incredible. Don't we all wish we had pets that were this involved with our hobbies.

This is not a unique situation, as a lot of people who have pets and play an instrument of some sort say that their little furry friends like to get in on the action. We’ve seen countless of recordings of pets baring their souls while howling in tune to the melody their owners are playing. Some goofballs just like to enjoy the fun, but some exhibit so much talent, it’s quite unbelievable. This could be attributed to the fact that our pets imprint on us, so whatever we do, they like to do it too. It doesn’t matter what it is, they will follow us along the way. Music is good for everyone’s soul, so it should come to no surprise that even animals like to enjoy it. So lay back and enjoy the ride as you listen to this very talented diva, Money!

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