1 year ago

Makes me sick, but I believe in, support, practice and promote FREEDOM.
Freedom of speech and Free thinking, respecting MOST all opinions.
He actually provides more than points.

I'll list a few....
Not to mention, his many "jewish" promoters, supporters, campaign staff.
1. HRC - no investigation. Right after elected. "We don't care about that".
2. Pfizer payout $1M
3. Didn't fire Dr. F (Shiva sent letter & petition + spoke to DJT)
4. Signed Lockdown order
5. Warp Speed
6. Touted Stab
7. "Soros" "nice guy"

Bible, prophetic "Great Delusion"
Don't look for your Messiah/Savior over here or out there.
Many will come to you in my name.

Understand, these facts make me sick at heart.
Shiva says "Who cares if he's indicted. These [thugs] fight among themselves all of the time". Likes to point out he grew up privileged, belongs to the rich class and has a gold toilet to shat in.

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