The Second Amendment at Work

1 year ago

Most mass shootings in the United States take place in the workplace. But what makes the workplace a target of choice for would-be killers? And what can be done to make the workplace safer? In this episode of Beyond the Cover, host Gary Benoit interviews Drew Dorans about this question. Drew is the HR Director for both The John Birch Society and its affiliate The New American at our headquarters in Appleton, Wisconsin. The HQ buildings have small signs on the doors saying, “Criminals beware! Concealed carry permit holders welcome here.” So you know where we stand. And of course, we firmly believe that our pro-Second Amendment stance makes our workplace far safer than those who foolishly declare that their businesses are “gun-free zones.” Drew wrote the article “The Second Amendment at Work” in the August 28 issue of The New American.
To read “The Second Amendment at Work” by Drew Dorans, visit
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