Ep 2004: Put Some Pep in Your Prep

1 year ago

Think about your morning routine. What does it look like? Steve McLean wants to help you “connect your Sunday to Monday” with the daily devotionals from His Word at Work. This ministry is connected to FCCI, Fellowship of Companies for Christ International. Steve started writing the daily devotionals because SO MANY people don’t have an eternal perspective when they go to work each day.

In this episode, Josh and Mike join Steve in this conversation on workplace missions, as both have benefited from the His Word at Work resource. Both men have been inspired to share more often in their workplaces. This is because reading material like the His Word at Work devotionals make them more sensitive to God presenting opportunities.

It’s all about being purposeful and intentional with your life. As Jim mentions in the show, this is also a great reminder for retired folks (and the whole idea behind iRetire4Him). As long as you have breath in your lungs, God’s not done with you!

So, what are some ways you can you start being a workplace missionary today?

- Sign up to receive the daily His Word at Work devotionals straight to your inbox!
- Commit to the iWork4Him Nation Covenant, with four key steps to living out your faith at work.
- Listen to the 1-minute iWork4Him PowerThoughts. This week’s PowerThoughts are adapted from five different His Word at Work devotionals!
- Connect with iWork4Him on social media by searching @iWork4Him on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Rumble, and Truth Social.

How else are you consuming content? What’s happening in your mission field? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at Jim@iWork4Him.com.

Don’t forget this special giving opportunity that was announced: with a donation of any amount, you can receive a copy of one of the three iWork4Him books – iWork4Him, sheWorks4Him, or iRetire4Him. Simply make a donation and send an email to Martha@iWork4Him.com to confirm which book you’d like.

Guests: Steve McLean; Joshua Claro; Michael Etchison

Ministry/ Workplace: https://HisWordAtWork.org

iWork4Him Audio Podcast - https://www.iwork4him.com/podcast/2023/2004

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