Now Corporations Want to Hack Our Dreams - Truthstream Media

1 year ago

"The Dormio system is conceptually quite simple. The aim of the system is to influence and extend a transitional state between wakefulness and sleep. To achieve this, we must track the occurrence of this transitional state (hypnagogia) and then interrupt the user’s sleep to prevent them from slipping into deeper sleep stages. In the Dormio system, a user wears a glove-like device with sensors.

These sensors collect biosignals from the hand to measure changes in muscle tone, heart rate, and skin conductance. In past research, all of these biosignals have been shown to change during the transition from wakefulness to sleep. When the biosignals signal the onset of sleep, a timer of a few minutes starts. At the end of the timer, an audio recording is played to ask the user for a dream report, bringing the wearer back into wakefulness, but ideally not into full wakefulness."

More on Dormio:


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