1 year ago

Holocaust whiners and Slavery apologists promote a 'Victim Mentality'.

The 'Victim Mentality' is alive and well across the western world; especially in Australia. From Jews whining about the holocaust to Blacks about slavery, it makes no sense at all. These people are so deeply rooted in the past they can't see the road in front of them.

Click here: https://nypost.com/2023/08/15/jewish-leaders-condemn-video-of-schoolgirl-giving-nazi-salute/

Dateline Melbourne, Australia -- Jewish leaders have leapt to the forefront to condemn video of schoolgirl giving a Nazi salute. They called her act ‘Sickening and ugly’.

Granted, the girl's actions were ignorant and ugly, but in the 21st Century they are hardly sickening except to the overly sensitive who will always find something to 'sicken' them. In Australia, a country devoid of constitutional protections, she can be punished and even jailed. Australia's socialist democracy has a firm choke hold on its citizens and this is the sort of thing they are most likely to pounce on.

Australia's Jewish leaders and publicity hounds have condemned what they call 'shocking' footage of a Melbourne high schoolgirl impersonating Adolf Hitler in the classroom. This video shows the girl drawing up a hand salute made famous [or infamous] in Nazi Germany many long decades ago.

Anti-Defamation Commission Chairman Dr. Dvir Abramovich said the student seen in the “sickening and ugly” video should be punished by the school. Whilst too young to even fathom the truths of the holocaust, Abromovich is among those publicity hounds seeking to keep the memory of Hitler's reign alive and well. Rooted indelibly into the past, they are a representation of the alarmist contingent that keeps freedom of speech under foot.

Abromovich says, “This is the modern face of Holocaust abuse in Victorian public schools, and this growing climate of anti-semitic hostility has made many Jewish parents wonder whether sending their kids to class every morning is safe.” This is the type of rhetoric that perpetuates the truths and the myths of bad things that happened long, long ago.

As he and other alarmists like him continue to elaborate their whinings and repeat themselves as much as their '15-minutes-of-fame' will allow, the freedom of others such as this young person hang in the balance.

Remember that there is no guarantee of 'Free Speech' in any form in Australia. This is the country where police roam the streets in packs of 5 or more, looking for people to roust. This is the country where 'Covid Violators', being anyone not wearing a mask or wandering outside their neighbourhood were tackled to the ground, beaten, and hauled off to jail.

Australia's disgusting behaviour is possibly a precursor of things to come in America as we already struggle with enhanced 'guilt' and 'prejudice' spread by our government and the other powers that be. As for the Holocaust or Slavery ... it's time to grow up and move on.

I'm Max, and that's the way I see it!

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